For these 4 zodiac signs, the last days of 2018 will be extremely erotic


What are these 4 signs that their libido will hit red these days? See the list published by


Your sex appeal and your charm, thanks to the sensual Aphrodite in Scorpio in your passionate and seductive eighth house and in a hexagon with its ruler Pluto, hit red. Enjoy the playful flirting around you, or if you want just enjoy sex with your lover. Oh, and instead of wondering what each movement of the object of your desire means, be observant and tune in to your intuition. There will certainly be indications as to his intentions.


As Aphrodite in Scorpio and in your seventh house of relationships is in a hexagon with her ruler Pluto, you want nothing more than passion and depth of emotion. And you do well, since the stars tell us that a small effort is enough to return the passion to a long-term relationship or to find a new love. The honeymoon phase will last next week as well, so you can talk to your loved one about commitment, leave the gate of your heart open for more intimacy and trust.


Your ruling planet, Venus in Scorpio in your second house, of stability and money, and in a hexagon with its ruler Pluto, brings to the fore your luxurious tendencies, your sensuality and your passion. A spa with your loved one, or a mini luxury trip will take off your libido. Aphrodite in the house of your money, after all, pushes you for small sensual and luxurious adventures until the end of the year. Then, we'll see!


You have an irresistible sex pill, so take advantage of it! Your animal magnetism and passion do not go unnoticed by your pheasants as Venus, the planet of beauty and romance, activates your zodiac sign and is in a hexagon with your ruler Pluto. You exude confidence and self-confidence, so you do not need to make any effort to seduce the object of your desire. With your magnetism and charm you will have no problem attracting others, but you do not need to rush immediately for a relationship. Play with your irresistible gaze, but do not rush into a serious relationship. With so many tempting options, you want your time!