For these three zodiac signs, October will be a... tough month

Every month favors some signs and strains others and for the second month of this autumn, astrologers predict that there are three signs that may be quite strained in October.


As we read on if you belong to one of these three signs, it does not necessarily mean that you will be led to disaster. It's true that the planets will treat you a little harder than usual, but don't forget that diamonds are also created under incredible pressure.

Fortunately, the month began with the return of Mercury in direct course, which means that everything will work more calmly and clearly. Also, the Full Moon on October 9 will make you more courageous, especially if you want to achieve a goal. Keep in mind that after the storm comes the rainbow and arm yourself with patience in the coming days.


During this period you may feel more need to complete obligations and chores. Focus on work. However, your energy decreases and the appetite for work, going out and anything that requires strength and energy is at its nadir. You need a break, while you have to remember that not everything is done at once. One step at a time and you will succeed.


The beginning of the month finds you extra optimistic and dynamic. However, once Scorpio season begins (23/10) your sensitivities take hold and your energy wanes. You will want to isolate yourself and reflect on everything that has happened lately. Especially towards the end of the month, the way you respond to situations and arguments will concern you, as you realize that this is something you have to "work on".


You already feel an emotional tension since the end of the previous month. Until October 23rd when Venus moves into your 8th house of tenderness, you will gain a deeper insight into how you perceive everything new. This is the time to let go of what's holding you back and embrace something new. Also, now is the time to set boundaries with people who disrespect you and clear up situations to avoid tensions.