Venus in Capricorn until December 20 - How will it affect all the signs?


According to, as Aphrodite moves in the earthly sign of the Impulsive Cross, Capricorn, she makes the assumptions regarding love, but also personal desires, move under a very strict and organized context, within which there is no room for too much carelessness, spontaneity, play and fun! 

The influence of Aphrodite on the zodiac signs

With Aphrodite from the sign of Capricorn until December 20:

Aries: He emphasizes in the field of career and tries in every way to highlight his value, revealing his talents or advancing his creative plans. Success becomes a one-way street! Good time for an Aries to take care of his social image, to set creative goals but also to become more beloved in the space he moves! 

The bull: He philosophizes situations differently, he opens up to acquaintances who have something new to give him, while love can also arise with a person who has an age difference. Study or legal issues come in handy!

 The Gemini: He becomes imposing and absolute in his "wants" trying to dominate everyone. The finance sector is starting to improve, either through spouse income or through better management. 

The cancer: He seeks and seeks companionship, but his demands are much higher than usual and he tries to follow the "right" in his relationships and collaborations! 

Leo: He puts on a gin to prepare for the holiday season, improves his physical condition, starts a diet or exercise in order to improve his body or to feel well. However, the period is positive for him to undertake professional projects that stimulate his creativity but also help him create new perspectives in his work! 

The Virgin: He enjoys love just as he always wanted it, he claims the fulfillment of his desires and he is the absolute winner!

The Libra:  He dedicates himself to his very familiar affairs, beautifies his space, his home, shows his love to the people he lives with and creates his warm winter nest! 

Scorpio:  He has "talent" in dating at this time, while his expressiveness, communication and conversations can help him both emotionally and practically! Flirting will not be lacking. 

Sagittarius: He finally takes a breath in his finances and successfully tries to increase his sources of income! The required "emotional security" is now necessary! 

Capricorn: He beautifies, deals more with his image and appearance, has conquests and renews his romantic life!

Aquarius:  He gathers, ponders, reconstructs, but there are still some dead-end love situations or some secrets that for the time being make him close to himself! 

Pisces: He pursues the fulfillment of desires and expectations and it seems that he manages it very well, since he also has "allies" people in his social circle!