The astrological predictions of Friday 30 August 2019


With the New Moon in Virgo, we are more careful and diligent in what we want to do and pay attention to detail. We make the effort needed to make everything work properly. We pay attention to things that seem insignificant and our meticulousness becomes torturous for us and we suffer. Some events cause us emotional stress which can adversely affect our health. When we fix a problem in our lives, it can have a very strong positive effect on all other areas of our lives. We deal with the organization of our daily lives and are given the opportunity to deal with the details in a systematic and meaningful way. Now is a great time to change some things in our daily lives or start a new project. Also, focus on our health or start a diet.

Because Virgo is ruled by Mercury, it opens our minds and we take responsibility for transforming our lives for the better. It allows us, in a rational way, to shed light on our dark, unconscious motives, so that we can embrace the shadow of ourselves without fear. Our minds can help us accept the truth and remove the fears that overwhelm us so that we are not tormented by our problems, which leads to anxiety and negative self-criticism.

This new Moon affects the Variable signs of the first ten days, that is, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces and those who have your Horoscope or personal planets in these signs. You will now have increased awareness and make long-term plans for the future and reorganization in your life. You will be very dynamic, enjoying new experiences. This is a phase where you will make new beginnings either with your love affair, or with your family, or with your career and public relations.

The Sun in a triangle with Uranus (influence +/- 2 days)

We have a keen interest in ideas that are progressive and innovative and have a scientific and inventive mind. We challenge the established and develop intense enthusiasm. We take action that changes things and brings improvement. We unite with others for a specific cause or purpose and promote what is independent and innovative. Communication, computers, electronics and anything original is exciting to us now. We can discover new ways to promote our work.

Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces, and especially those born in the first ten days, both your career goals or your love goals are likely to move faster now. New developments can open up constructive opportunities for you. Showcase your new and exciting ideas and you are eager to pursue a new perspective on your life and a change in your routine. You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo. It is a good time for any scientific or technical study and knowledge of computers. New ideas come to your mind all of a sudden.


The New Moon in Virgo that takes place today gives you the momentum to start new things in everyday life and at work. The fact is that you can subversively change your habits and choose new items in terms of work that suits you. It is important to understand that you should not be subjective and limit the tension that may exist at the peer level. Developments in your finances can be important, as it is possible to recognize your offer and the willingness to respond to everything in the best possible way.


The New Moon in Virgo that takes place today gives you the opportunity to focus on creative activities that you may have as there may be sudden opportunities that change the flow of things. You focus on love and what it can offer you, only it is possible to become intensely selfish and subjective at times and this can affect your relationship. Sudden invitations for fun and holidays are very possible, take advantage of which suits you and try to spend it uniquely you deserve it.


The New Moon in Virgo that is taking place today orients you mainly in terms of the family and issues that may concern it as it is possible that you need to provide solutions, star in discussions, initiate proceedings for real estate issues. Issues that are pending from the past may arise suddenly, but you have the power to be able to cope in the best possible way. You should pay special attention to tensions that may develop at the family level as conflicts will act as a deterrent to the resolution of existing cases.


 New Moon in Virgo that is taking place today will probably open new perspectives in terms of trade and public relations issues of interest to them. Agreements may come to the fore suddenly which will be an important step for you towards achieving your goals. It opens a new chapter for your relationship with the immediate environment as you show a special willingness to be active with people through it, you should pay special attention to your changing mood and a lack of objectivity that can create conflicts.


The New Moon in Virgo that is taking place today can mean new facts for you in terms of your material and emotional needs as it is a fact that it will try to claim the best possible to increase your income. This is something that creates security and confidence as you feel that you are firmly on your feet. Of course, it is important not to be trapped in intransigence and in the mood to do everything as you would like because this will only cause tensions and ultimately will not help you achieve your goals. Passion takes off in your personal life, possessiveness only creates problems, remember that.


The New Moon in your zodiac sign that takes place today creates the need for you to deal differently from now on with the course in your personal and professional life. New faces come suddenly that open your horizons and can signal radical changes in both your relationships and your collaborations. Crucial is the fact that the dynamism that governs you leads to take important initiatives, especially in terms of collaborations that you want to realize. Just try not to get caught up in selfishness and your personal needs because this will create reactions and intense confrontations with important people in your life.


The New Moon in Virgo shakes up pending issues or situations of the past that have not been resolved and leads you to deal with them differently, but the emotions are soaring and blurring the thought. The tendency to keep in mind that it bothers you will not help because you will only be able to push yourself to the extremes and break out with intensity, especially in people you meet every day or in the work environment. The need to close wounds that still hurt you can open a new path of inner search that will bring you closer to your personal truth.


The New Moon in Virgo that is taking place today focuses your attention mainly on the goals and ambitions that you have and you are actively working to realize new plans and to make moves towards achieving them. In this path that you have chosen, it is not excluded that suddenly people will come from the friendly environment who want to stand by you in this endeavor and there will be important developments in terms of your collaborations. Love comes thunderously through friendly groups, just pay attention to your revolutionary mood because it is the one that can put obstacles in any development.


The New Moon in Virgo that is taking place today probably opens new professional paths and it is not excluded that there may be important opportunities that will play a catalytic role in your personal development. The obligations are many and the need to be prominent is intense, just be careful because it can become hard and rigid to achieve your goal and this will result in fierce conflicts with important people in the professional environment. Examine very carefully the suggestions that you can accept as they are the ones that will radically upset the daily life and will take you out of the routine.


The New Moon in Virgo that is taking place today focuses your interest mainly on the studies you want to attend, legal issues that concern you, travel and contacts abroad that intensify curiosity and create the framework for new knowledge. It is important for you to open your spiritual horizons, so it is possible to make catalytic decisions in this direction. Love comes to energize in a positive way of your life, just try not to be trapped in stereotypes and egocentric patterns because the reactions will be intense.


The New Moon in Virgo that is taking place today orients your attention mainly in terms of financial issues in relation to third parties or business agreements that interest you and you want to be active. The intensity is increased, but at the same time your instinct works overtime and can give you sudden ideas that will open the way for the positive outcome of the issues that concern you. Suspicion and jealousy can energize the climate in your relationships, manage your insecurities so that there are no ruptures.


The New Moon in Virgo that takes place today focuses your interest on your interpersonal relationships. There may be people who will suddenly come into your life to suggest new partnerships, but competitive attitudes will not be lacking, as will egocentrism, creating tension and controversy. Love and flirting take off and thunderous new acquaintances come to change the course of your personal life. Remember that it is good not to compromise with situations that do not suit you because the reaction later will be overwhelming.

Source: e-zwdia, gr