The astrological predictions of Tuesday, October 9, 2018



The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will create the need for you to deal with your interpersonal relationships as it will bring to the fore issues that concern them. The square she forms with Pluto indicates that difficulties will arise in your professional relationship as you will feel that she is trying to force you to agree with her own plans and her own ideas. Try to keep character if you do not like what you hear but without fighting. This will be easy for you as long as you do not let your impulsive mood prevail which can create throws.

Today it is possible to feel that your partner is vetoing something you want but before you get upset with him / her think about the reasons why he / she is doing it. If you are free you need to be careful about a new acquaintance as it can show you other meanings.


The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will create the need to change your daily life a little, adding to it activities that please you. This may not be as easy as it seems as there will be obligations that will keep you captive, making it difficult to make the slightest change. The square formed by Pluto with the lights of the new Moon indicates how you will receive criticism that you will not like from people around you. Try to contain the irritation that can be caused and deal with more serious issues than that.

Today it is possible to anger your partner in case your program is not adopted, but think if he does it due to selfishness or if there is an issue. If you are free, pay attention to a new acquaintance as it may come out very different from the first impression.


The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will create the need for love. It is possible to look for love in the face of a person - your partner if you are engaged - in an artistic activity or creative activity that excites your imagination. The square formed by Pluto with the lights of the new Moon suggests that it is possible to selfishly see anything that interests you and this will make you make wrong decisions. Try not to get angry with your partner if your views on something you want to do do not match. Chance your emotions into a pleasurable activity otherwise you are likely to channel them wrongly to your partner.

Today you should be careful with your partner as you will be good with him / her only if he / she does not object to you and as you understand it will be difficult to pass! If you are free do not show strength in a recent acquaintance because you will create a problem when it does not exist.


The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will bring to the fore the complaints that you have recently collected inside you and will make you externalize them in an intense way. The first to accept this are the people in your family as you feel familiar with them and it is natural to prefer to share with those what bother you. The square of Pluto with the lights of the new Moon suggests that you will feel that a collaboration that you have oppresses you and that is the reason that problems will arise there as well. Avoid discussing too much what bothers you as you will enter a vicious circle that will create obsession and irritability.

Today you will make your complaints to your partner but try not to point out to him / her everything that he / she did and bothered you every hour, otherwise it will be difficult not to fight. If you are free, try not to start complaining about work / obligations / fatigue and anything else in a new acquaintance.


The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will help you better realize which of the people in your immediate environment have a reason to exist there. You may start to think about moving away from some people you do not like or feel that you no longer have anything in common. The square of Pluto with the lights of the new Moon suggests that the decisions you will make on the one hand will be impulsive and on the other hand will be products of selfishness. Try to think carefully before removing some people from your life so that you do not regret it later.

Today it is possible to start associating your partner's characteristics with those of people close to you, and if you do not do this in good faith it will definitely irritate him / her. If you are free, let the acquaintance with someone you are interested in flow with her own time and do not try to "push the river".


The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will push you to make a new beginning in issues related to your fund. It is possible to make the decision to start saving or to cut some expenses which you now consider unnecessary. The square of Pluto with the lights of the new Moon indicates that it is possible that you will break up with your partner, on the occasion of some decisions that you will make about your finances. Today she may have proposals for a new financial deal but you should be very careful and see the fine print that accompanies it as there may be something hidden that you do not like.

Today you can make the decision to start saving but it would not be right to arbitrarily decide to start the same with your partner by force, as this will create a rift between you. If you are free, do not see "from above" a recent acquaintance as you will make wrong moves.


The new Moon that takes place today in your zodiac sign indicates that it is time to see better relationships and collaborations in order to clarify them. Lately, things may have happened that were able to show you the way to go, so you should take them into account and not ignore them. The square of Pluto with the lights of the new Moon suggests that it will not be easy, as this will become an occasion to come to a rupture with people you consider your own. The day needs prudence and not impulsive movements if you want to avoid making mistakes, which will cost both practically and emotionally.

Today is a day when you should have an honest discussion with your partner about anything that has bothered you and not try side ways to make him regret it! If you are single, a recent acquaintance does not need impulsive movements but as much honesty as possible.


The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will illuminate your worries and everything that has been on your mind lately and is stressing you out. Let them come to the surface as it is a good way to be able to better understand them and find the solution. Pluto's square with the lights of the new Moon suggests that talking to someone close to you will confuse you and may encourage you to make wrong decisions about your own issue. It would be good to keep for yourself the issues that concern you or even to make the final decision undisturbed!

Today if you want to avoid tensions with your partner you should keep the issues that concern you away from others, even if they are your loved ones. If you are single, take care of what you will share with someone you recently met and keep the important things for yourself.


The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will create the need for you to make a clearing to the people who are in your friendly environment. Lately you have probably realized that there are people in this "honor" and their role is decorative. The conclusions you will draw will be useful but prefer to keep them to yourself and not rush to act by making clarifications. The square of Pluto with the lights of the new Moon suggests that you should be careful with the people you trust, as you may make wrong choices.

Today you may feel the need to see your partner as a friend but be careful as you may be seduced and confided in him / her something that should not be. If you are free, be careful as you can be strict with someone you met recently and cut off his wings.


The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will create the need for you to make a new beginning in your professional life. You need to remember that this is not something that can be done overnight and impulsive movements will not help you. The square of Pluto with the lights of the new Moon suggests that you can meet people in your professional environment, who will be strict with you. Do not rush to prove to them that they are wrong as you should remember that irritability will not help you support your position.

Today it is possible for him / her to receive negative criticism from your partner, but before you put up with him / her, think about whether his / her criticism is well-intentioned, but in the wrong way. If you are free do not try to prove who you are to someone you have recently met and let him / her see in time.


The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will put you in thoughts, as it will make you start to doubt about beliefs and perceptions that you had until now and you were sure that they will never change. Pluto's square with the lights of the new Moon suggests that it may also come into conflict with people around you for your views. Avoid pulling situations if you do not want to start talking behind your back, just remove from your environment people who you think you have nothing in common anymore.

Today it is possible to disagree with your partner on the occasion of the opinion you will express on a particular issue, but be careful not to overdo it. If you are single, new acquaintances need attention if you do not want to be deceived.


The new Moon that takes place today in the sign of Libra will create the need for you to bring to light emotions in order to be able to arrange them within you. The square of Pluto with the lights of the new Moon suggests that you are called to settle emotions such as suspicion, jealousy and the need to prevail over others. Try not to let them define you and find out where they came from. The day can present "opportunities" in financial and emotional issues, but you should see them twice as opportunities can turn out to be coal.

Today is a day when you can have a good time with your partner as long as he does not object to anything, how likely do you think this is? If you are free, do not make hasty moves in your emotional issues as you will be exposed without even knowing it.

Source: The zodiac signs today by Smaro Sotiraki from