The astrological predictions of Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Sun forms a triangle with Jupiter, it is a positive aspect, there will be an opportunity to expand spirituality, openings will appear in issues related to education, studies and knowledge in its general form. In the professional field, coordinated aspirations will have a positive outcome, emphasis will be placed on financial stability.


In the first half of the day you feel more optimistic with a strong need to restore your relationships with your loved ones. But as the hours go by an Aphrodite-Pluto aspect makes your worries grow. Try to channel your energy into vulnerable areas and your work for better results. You may feel ready to make important decisions regarding your relationship with your loved one. You who are alone and seeking a reconnection, can make your moves.

Maybe you can form alliances today or make good commitments, especially in the early morning hours. Actions support ideas, thoughts and creative activities. As the day progresses an Aphrodite-Pluto aspect can bring buried emotions to the surface. Of course, it may be best to acknowledge your fears so that you can overcome them. Talking to your loved one will help you make important decisions. You who are alone, a new love that starts from an unpredictable acquaintance fascinates you.

You find today, especially in the early morning hours, creative ways to manage your practical affairs. An open, generous approach works wonders. However, as the hours go by, the tension can cause conflicts, especially at work. Your emotional insecurities are likely to make you possessive and jealous of your loved one. You who are alone, new acquaintances should not excite you so much.

The first half of the day you can express yourself and enjoy a break. The generosity of your spirit makes you particularly likeable and others enjoy your humor and company. But as the hours go by Aphrodite in your sign opposes Pluto. It is possible to have a conflict with someone or to develop strong emotions. Make sure this person is not your love partner. You who are alone, know that you impress everyone.

In the first half of the day you may feel excited and motivated to improve your personal life. A sense of inner well-being can come from creating plans for the future that inspire growth and hope. Examine the possibility of a temporary compromise on labor. Do not get involved in situations that may expose you to your sexual partner. You who are alone, have the choice between the past and the future.

Smoothing out differences, resonating with others, extending goodwill, or listening are positive, especially in the first half of the day. It is easier than usual to overcome problems and make the best moves and choices. Your work experience calls you to move carefully. You can find ways to significantly improve the relationship with your loved one. You manage to impress the person you are interested in.

As breakfast flows happily and creatively, as the hours go by Aphrodite opposite Pluto pulls the frustrations associated with fears and insecurities to the surface. Life at home or in the family is complicated or you feel guilty about their wants and obligations. Some compromises may be considered necessary in the workplace. Do not ignore the movements of approaching your loved one. You who are alone, your social life hides opportunities for the future.

In the first half of the day it is easier than usual to channel your energy into enjoyable activities. Others tend to support you and your new business plans can be implemented and expanded. As the day progresses, an aspect of Aphrodite with Pluto creates some tension. Joint designs with your loved one will bring you closer. You who are alone, enjoy new acquaintances and flirting.

In the first half of the day you like to share and make others happy. Problem solving can be more successful and positive thinking prevails. As the hours go by some of your worries intensify. Hold your impulsiveness towards your loved one. You who are alone, claim the person you are interested in as long as you are sure of what he has to offer you.

In the first half of the day you tend to make plans and think more objectively. Your tendency for everything here and now, can lead you to wrong moves and choices, especially in the workplace. Your sexual partner has the desire and the mood to confide some things or feelings to you. You who are alone, prepare for the next period of pleasant surprises that can change your life.

Do you have a sense of where you need to go or deal with financial matters, business or practical matters? As the hours go by an aspect of Venus - Pluto creates a tension and you may find it difficult to understand some of your deepest emotions. So do not break out in your loved one and prefer to spend beautiful and calm moments together. You who are alone, make the clarifications to your wants and emotional needs.

There is a smoother flow of emotions and natural self-expression in the first half of the day. The actions of the day become more complicated due to the Venus-Pluto aspect then. While the tension may be passionate at times avoid disagreements and misunderstandings with both your loved one and your co-workers. You who are alone, a new period begins that you must take advantage of properly.