How will tomorrow's solar eclipse affect the zodiac signs?

gfhdfghfhgghgf ASTROLOGY, SUN Eclipse, ZODIAC SECONDS, SOLAR Eclipse, JULY 2019

The issues that are now at the center of the developments concern the home, the family, the values, the traditions, the memories, the psyche but also the homeland. The above areas are currently being tested and are in crisis, ie we are going through a turning point where the stable habits are overturned and disturbed. We are now called upon to permanently close a circle that has been an important reference point in the past, in order to then make a fresh start. However, during the time we are going through, there are strong emotional and psychological crises, which strongly test the human psyche. 

The positive participation of Uranus in the phenomenon of the Solar Eclipse offers the way out which will come through change. So there is no lack of this period, the sudden opportunities for renewal, acquaintances, socialization while we are given the impetus to escape for good from the bogged down routine and to follow the stream of change that opens before us. However, it is important to avoid remaining focused and trapped in the painful past, leaving room for a new course! 

An important point that should not be overlooked with the Total Eclipse that takes place in the sign of Cancer, is the square formed by Mercury from Leo and Uranus from Taurus. Irritability, rebelliousness, tension, reactivity and immobile views can now become the cause of strong conflicts, but also sudden abrupt ruptures. It is important to stay calm in the situations that are evolving now, to keep our minds open to new stimuli but also to avoid exposing ourselves to dangers. What are the risks? Explosives, accidents, damage, problems in transportation or transportation. Most exposed from the square Mercury - Uranus are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius of the 1st decade and those who have personal planets close to the 6th degree of the above signs.

The signs of the impulsive cross (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) born at the end of the first and beginning of the second decade, as well as those who have personal planets close to 8-12 degrees above, receive the greatest influence from the Total Moon Eclipse in Cancer. .


With the total Eclipse of the Sun from the sign of Cancer, you are most strongly affected by those who were born on March 29 to April 3. However, this period does not end, all Aries are in a period of emotional crisis or even thinking about your very personal affairs. Your psychology is down, you make your emotional account, you miss moments but you realize that now is the time to close definitive chapters in order to make a new beginning. Matters concerning the house, the family, the property, the stable habits, your psyche, it is obvious that with this moon you are having problems. You are now called upon to find the mental courage and re-evaluate situations. Many of you will realize during this time your deepest emotional needs and you may recognize that what used to cover and complete you is no longer so important to you.


Your mind is quite confused, confused while your thoughts are somewhat negative, but your main desire with Total Eclipse is to say words that you probably left in the middle, to make decisions that you used to train but also to close cases that were Pending. Issues related to documents, agreements, contacts, relationship with siblings, means of transportation, travel and travel, are now in the center of your interest, cause you tension and you are called to make the necessary revisions. However, you will need to be very careful in your communication sector, avoiding quarrels, but also in your travels to avoid accidents, especially if you were born in the first ten days of your zodiac sign.  


Total Solar Eclipse directly affects your finances where it seems to be your most vulnerable point at this time of year. Matters involving real estate, shared family property, or even the practical needs of the home are stressful at this time of year. The insecurity you feel now, however, is not only focused on the financial sector, but many of you feel inadequate, losing for a while the faith in yourself and your potential. You are now called upon to recognize your worth and take those initiatives that will push you to make the changes that are deemed necessary to address the financial but emotional issues that exist in your life. 


The Total Solar Eclipse takes place in your own zodiac sign and most directly affects those of you born between June 29 and July 4. You are going through a period of crisis, during which you are called to face situations of the past that still influence your present, to make your clarifications in order to then follow a new course. During this time you feel pressured or even limited, feelings that you had well buried inside you for a long time come to the surface, you are in a confrontation with your fears, but you realize your insecurities and what is the point you want to follow and exactly where you want to be led . Identity and relationship crises are the main feature of the period for you, but new acquaintances, friends and networking are the way out so that you can find your balance, making the necessary changes in your life.


Solar Eclipses always have a strong influence on Leos, since the ruler of your zodiac sign is the Sun and they are a reference point of great developments in your life (positive or negative). This Solar Eclipse pushes you to close circles, in order to follow a new course. This process will not be so easy, since at this time it is obvious that unconscious fears are coming to the surface, there are strong psychological fluctuations, while you carry a strong load of responsibilities and obligations that test your limits of endurance. The intense background in your business, the secrets, the lies and the revelations that will be made during this period, significantly burden your psychology but push you to face your fears and make the necessary changes in your life. Pay more attention to your communication activities and your movements.


Total Sun Eclipse is considered positive for your zodiac sign, even if during this period your friendships are tested, or even some of your expectations. Your desires and wants change, you make a clarification in your social contacts, you get in touch with new people, now new expectations are born for your future. You make changes in your life and now new perspectives are created in front of you, your horizons are widened and you get a new view of situations.


With the Total Eclipse of the Sun in the sign of Cancer, you are now living trials concerning your career, marriage, father, goals, prospects and your social image. Those of you born between September 30 and October 6 are much more affected by the phenomenon and are now experiencing reorganizations in those areas that make you feel that your balance and your constants are being disturbed. Even though you are going through a difficult period for your business, you are also given the opportunity to make financial arrangements that will be beneficial for your course. 


The Solar Eclipse that takes place in the sign of Cancer makes you temporarily feel pessimistic, philosophizing and judging some situations to be in vain, a fact that throws you very psychologically. Matters related to legal documents, education, long trips should be handled with great care. Your need at this time will be to escape somewhere far away and turn a new page, to live new experiences and people. Those born in the first ten days, have opportunities for new acquaintances, but it is important during this period to keep your cool in your professional contacts and collaborations.


Financial obligations obviously burden you with this Eclipse! You are asked to settle outstanding issues related to tax, banking, inheritance issues or there are open accounts of the past, where you can no longer be negligent but you must proceed to settle them. This process burdens you psychologically, but intensifies fears and insecurities. Your work and the reforms that will be made in your professional field will motivate you to be able to meet the challenges of the time. On a psychological background, the Eclipse shakes very strong emotions, jealousies, passions, obsessions that you have to manage with realism and restraint.


The Total Solar Eclipse takes place in the diametrically opposite signs of yours, to be followed by the Full Moon - Lunar Eclipse that will take place in your sign. Issues of relationships and collaborations are now entering a new phase, where you are called upon to clear the landscape in the above areas, even if this process will not be easy. Problems of the past return to your present and you become frustrated with the attitude and behavior of people you associate with. Many of you - especially those born near December 30 to January 4 - will also be in a relationship breakup. But you also need to pay attention to the management of interpersonal relationships, maintaining self-control and tolerance when necessary.


Issues related to work, daily routine, habits or even the physical condition of yourself or your family is obviously causing you problems with the Solar Eclipse in Cancer. You have taken on many responsibilities that burden you and you try to prevent them all without leaving anyone complaining, this fact creates intense stress for you. Many of you will have changes in your business which however in your course will be considered positive. It is a good time to break the bad habits of the past, putting your life in balance. Keep your cool from the precautionary behavior of the people around you but also from your contact with them, especially if you were born in the first ten days where the causes are created to provoke controversy.


The Total Eclipse that takes place in the sign of Cancer is considered positive for your own sign, even if many of you at this time feel that some of your needs remain unsatisfied. A new acquaintance invades your life and gives you the impetus to say goodbye to a bitter past period of your romance. Developments concerning the child, childbearing, your creative plans are in the program of the period! Trust and follow the inspirations of the moment and say yes to new creative beginnings.
