On 12/1 Mercury (finally) stops retrograde and affects all signs

Mars, the planet of action, confidence, assertiveness and sexuality, after about 11 weeks of seemingly retrograde motion in the sign of Gemini, is finally getting back on track to allow developments to run at a slightly faster pace. 


According to asibiliou.gr from 12/01/2023 Mars will return to its right course in Gemini, where it will remain until 25/03/2023, we will take a breath and now with greater ambition, courage and determination we will chase the issues that seem to have "frozen" or not developed as they should.

Be that as it may, the fact that Mars is returning to its proper course can only be said to be good, and of course for each of the representatives of the zodiac the results of its influence will be different, although the common denominator in all scenarios will be from here and below the fastest rates and developments.

Of course, things will not be the same overnight, but they will definitely improve a bit more and once Mercury returns to the right course on 18/01/2023, then we will really see the big difference and be ready for new beginnings and to realize our goals.


The retrograde period of your ruler Mars was like someone hitting the brakes just as you were about to take a step forward. For some it may have been the economic conditions that have limited us all compared to the past, for others it may have been difficult other situations that did not allow much progress. In any case, many of your plans, ideas, expectations of late may have strained you. But maybe you've done your revisions too, especially if you were in a hurry to make a fresh start or took a big risk. But Mars is finally getting back on track and things will start to unravel somehow. So, both in your daily interactions with others and in your professional discussions or study plans you will begin to see some kind of progress gradually over the next period. It goes without saying that because Mars often shows an impulse or expression of anger without being able to control it, and it will be in your area of ​​communication and movement, you should continue to be careful what you say and especially how you say it, but also how behave while driving.


Since October 30, 2022, when Mars apparently turned retrograde in the sign of Gemini, many of the things you wished to do may not have turned out as you would have liked. Perhaps you felt that someone put a brake on your expansive and ambitious visions or may have hindered your professional, financial or even studies if you are at this stage in your life. But you will slowly leave all this behind you, as Mars takes the right direction again and starts to pay off both in financial matters and in matters concerning your professional plans. There is no need to rush or take risks at this stage. You just need to work steadily towards achieving your goals without impulses and without exaggerations.


With the foot on the gas describes the period that follows the return of Mars to its correct course in your sign. The previous period was quite tiring on a psychological level for you, as your action was hindered. Gradually, however, this feeling of fatigue will begin to disappear and you will regain your lost energy levels. In fact, I would suggest that from now on you find a positive way to channel your excess energy, so that you can sleep more easily. Join a gym, start walking, running, cycling, or any other method of exercise that pleases you, because this is the natural way to avoid the negative aspects of Mars. Of course you will also become more impatient with your plans and goals, but don't expect things to be the way they were overnight. From here on, you should, without losing your passion and leadership skills, try to become more cooperative with others and a little more yielding and flexible.


Since October 30, 2022, when Mars began its retrograde course, you felt that you were not in control of your life situations and the longed-for sense of security was gone. It was like being in a sea without seeing a clear horizon and especially without knowing at any moment what will happen and how you will deal with it. For some there was also a lively background or situations in the workplace that were perhaps unprecedented, with resentments and complaints that made your life more difficult in everyday life. Some of you may have had health issues or felt more unstable on a psychological level. The good news is that all of this now that Mars is turning right will come to an end and you will slowly regain control, confidence and determination in your movements from here on out. Except that these movements should not be done impulsively and immediately, but after thinking and organization.


The retrograde course of Mars comes to an end and a long period of confusion, confused messages and difficulties in personal relationships primarily, but also in professional ones, is slowly coming to an end. During the period when Mars was retrograde, several difficulties may have arisen in friendly relationships, in your social life, in relationships with people from your social networks, but possibly also with your partners. Financial issues related to your work or delays and problems with your income may also have arisen. Many of you may have become harsher in your criticism of others and problems have arisen. But now Mars is turning in the right direction and collective work requires you to put aside accusations and criticism and see how you can find better solutions in your joint efforts with others. Achieving your goals may not be easy, but it is possible with a little help from those who like you or want to support you.


Mars retrograde apparently from 30/10/22 to 12/01/23 may have created postponements, delays and many times required a lot of patience on your part, in order to have the desired developments either in your career or in matters of family and home. Others may have had slow progress professionally, had to deal with difficult colleagues, superiors or even clients if you are a freelancer. In any case, whether due to general circumstances or other personal difficulties, you may have had significant problems that made you resentful on a daily basis. From here onwards, however, a period gradually begins when things begin to move at a different pace and you will notice this mainly as soon as your ruler Mercury returns to the right course on 18/01/23. Some of you may be thinking at this stage how to become career independent and take responsibility for what you produce professionally. Or you may decide to change the layout of your home or workplace, which will take time to adjust to, but will bring you more satisfaction and joy.


While Mars was retrograde many of your plans for the future may have needed second thoughts or corrections and changes because they weren't happening. It's possible that something you started with gusto and enthusiasm has stalled, or you've realized that it needs more time to work than you had originally planned in your mind. For better or for worse, Mars retrograde in Gemini has put many of your new plans on hold or put them on the back burner. Of course, some of you may have felt confused about what course you should follow. From 12/01/23 when Mars will return to its correct course it will breathe new life into your plans and allow you to gradually step on the gas of progress. So subjects related to studies, education, foreigners and abroad, legal affairs, from here on down may have better luck and you will have a better feeling for the following of your life. Certainly turning your idea into action is not very easy, but little by little and day by day by doing even a small thing you will manage to reach what you envision.


For you Scorpios, the seemingly retrograde course of Mars in the financial sector, but also in the deeper emotional ones, may have created a lot of anger that you may not have let out, although there were times when your nervous system may have "boiled". Matters related to alimony, compensation, insurance, bonuses, inheritance may not have gone as they should in the past period and created confusion or even problems for you. On the other hand, the "anger" may have been caused by difficulties in your love relationships, especially if you may have felt a sudden change in your partner's feelings. But now Mars is returning to its right course and will gradually unblock all these issues. So progress can be made in the next period of time on everything you had delays, postponements or even problems.


The retrograde course of Mars in Gemini in the past period has clearly created problems, delays, confusion and a lack of coordination in the whole range of your personal and professional relationships. You yourself may have felt like you were losing control with all that you had to deal with on a daily basis, as you could not control the reactions of others but your own. The direct course of Mars will clearly be comforting for you both in matters of personal contacts and in your main partnerships and professional relationships. But collective work is what will pay off. Of course, in all this instability that you have experienced lately, your goals and shared dreams with your partner or partners may have faded or had various problems. Now you will gradually coordinate better and developments will run at a faster pace. The demands and fatigue clearly do not stop, but the results will justify your efforts!


Lately, my dear Capricorns, your daily life has been a confused routine without clear horizons, which only created anxiety and stress. Others may have even had psychosomatic manifestations of the stress you experience either at work or at home. You see, retrograde Mars in Gemini from 30/10/22 to 12/01/23 did not leave much room for you to feel your energy levels strong. Others may have had workplace issues, co-workers who made life difficult for you, or even problems with your job itself. But from here on things start to unravel somewhat. You will feel this primarily in your own mood and energy. Adrenaline will flow more freely in your blood, so of course you should be careful about rushing, but also how you express your complaints and anger, especially in the workplace.


In the last period with the seemingly retrograde course of Mars in Gemini, it is as if your ideas, your enthusiasm for your new plans have suddenly slowed down, or there may have been issues in personal relationships, issues with children. Or maybe financial circumstances did not allow you to go ahead with what you would like to do. But all this ends and slowly after 12/01/23, when Mars will return to its right course, you will manage to buy the time you need to restore all those plans that suddenly froze. Even a personal relationship on a love level if the previous period seemed to be blocked, now somehow it will start to show the first signs of recovery. Of course, there is no need to rush at this stage. You should let things roll slowly and improve them step by step. Mars from Gemini is always a helpful position for you and you will see that even on a financial level it will favor you from here on out.


The apparently retrograde course of Mars did not allow you great luxuries of rest and relaxation. It has been a demanding period that may have created a sense of confusion for you and your work and career path, or for others with home and family matters. When Mars is retrograde our action is always limited, blocked and there is no smooth flow in our daily life. But now Mars is returning to the right course and will remain in the sign of Gemini until 25/03/23. Of course it's still laying siege to your sign, don't imagine that things are getting easy and relaxed. Such a condition does not apply. But they become much clearer and now you can have targeted action. By now you may have seen the problem, but you probably didn't know how to solve it. From here on you will have the solutions, while you will be more determined and confident in your action.