What will 2019 bring for the professional issues of each sign?


In an article of astrology.gr we read what will be the favorable periods of the new year for the professional issues of each sign and tips for each of them.

Aries: An exciting year!

This year you will be much more ambitious, but you will also face several challenges. The key to your success is to remain balanced, patient, focused, to think enough and positively and to use every means at your disposal.

Favorable periods: You will feel less stressed and therefore you will do better in April (if you are looking for a job, in fact this is your month) and in May. Late September to early October, you may achieve an important goal or make a good collaboration.

Tip: Try to be flexible and adaptable as there may be several changes in the workplace, especially at the top of the hierarchy that could affect you.

TAURUS: A great success is coming!

2019 will be very positive for those who belong to Taurus, especially the 2nd and 3rd decade, whose courage, perseverance and patience will bring positive results in whatever they try, as long as they remain committed to the goals. You of the first ten days, changing minds may change the course of your business.

Favorable periods: At the end of April you will get a taste, but things will get even better by the end of the year, where your talents and values ​​will be recognized, while you are likely to make significant deals or investments that will increase profits. If you are looking for a job or waiting for a promotion, it is most likely to happen in November.

Tip: In January, do not be greedy! Go with the reasoning "good five in hand and be patient, if you want to avoid creating bad relationships with a customer.

GEMINI: Give your 100%!

Despite the fact that the beginning of the year will not be the best for your career, in 2019 you will throw all your energy into a project and this will count a lot for your boss. Focusing on a single object, in general, will ensure you amazing results. Also, be careful whether the inconsistency or superficiality of a colleague or colleague affects you.

Favorable periods: June, September and December will be the most favorable months for your every effort. If you are looking for a job, you will find it with the help of Mars and Mercury, in June, while you will also receive a reward!

Tip: From the 15th to the 20th of November, keep your eyes peeled for possible scams and pitfalls and ensure that your money does not fall into the wrong hands.

CANCER: Determination makes everything possible

In 2019 you will have great determination and you will give yourself to whatever you undertake. You will show everyone what you are able to achieve and at the end of the year you will have the opportunity to successfully complete a project that you have been trying to accomplish for a long time. If you belong to the 2nd ten days you will suffer or there will be obstacles in your cooperation.

Favorable periods: In January, you will regain your confidence, something that will help you throughout the year. Your persuasion, initiative and effectiveness will be at their disposal. If you are looking for a job, November and December are your lucky months. Also, do not be afraid to expand your horizons, find alternatives or turn abroad…

Tip:: You may not feel confident, sometimes or you may be moody, but do not make the mistake of alienating yourself from the people around you or your associates because you will most likely need their help in the near future and not have it!

LEON: A year full of challenges!

Leo, prepare for a turbulent year, especially if you belong to the first ten days. You will encounter challenges and obstacles in your business, while some of your associates may slow down your progress or leave the ship unexpectedly, leaving you hanging. Only you can count on it! If you see that things are not going well, you might change jobs.

Favorable periods: In 2019 there may be some big changes and it is possible to lose your job or change direction completely, even trying something of your own. From September onwards, with the support of the stars, things will start to get better! In fact, if you are looking for a job, you can find something exciting.

Tip: June can be a difficult month, but keep trying and do not lose hope!

VIRGO: Do not rest!

This year, you will have opportunities, but you will have to make more effort to stay focused on whatever your goal is. At times you will feel that you do not have the right motivation or that you lack the passion or energy and there you start to weigh or throw it into laziness. But, because the margins are specific, you will find yourself running and not reaching! So, even if you are bored, do not neglect your work.

Favorable periods: The beginning of the year is ideal because due to luck and your talents, you will get good relationships with your colleagues or partners or associates. Also, in April you will be very active and your energy rates will be very high. If you are looking for a job, you may receive a job offer in May!

Tip: After the summer holidays or if you do not work, you may be lazy and your progress may be slow. Try to stay focused on your goal and find the motivation that will boost you to compensate for any lost time.

LIBRA: Your efforts will be rewarded!

You feel determined to clear the bar of wheat this year. You may have to make some difficult decisions, but all will be well in the end. You may do more public relations and promote your work widely or impress some powerful people. And your bank account, however, seems to be inflating!

Favorable periods: The beginning of the year is especially good for your finances, as there is a possibility that you will conclude a good deal, while you may benefit a lot from the changes that will be made in your work environment. If you are looking for a job, March and May are good months, especially around March 11th!

Tip: Try not to let your family issues affect your business and avoid getting involved in conflicts that do not concern you directly.

SCORPIO: Intense taste of success!

In 2019 you will have an invincible desire to unfold yourself and let your skills and talents show, something that will catch the attention of your employer or a senior hierarchically, so expect great success. If, however, you belong to the eleventh day, upheavals and sudden changes may change the balances in the field of your collaborations and you may either have a departure or you may leave a scheme that does not serve you.

Favorable periods: From January onwards, you will find that you are ready to expand and take risks, but you will! If you are looking for a job, in September, especially before the 15th, you must seize the opportunities that will arise to expand your horizons.

Tip: Try not to let go of your lack of trust or belief that only you can alienate yourself from others. Collaborate and you will have positive results.

SAGITTARIUS: Take off soon!

In 2019, with courage and determination you will place yourself, in order to open a new page in your career. You will work hard but you will get what you want while you will be able to manage your finances wisely. You will have many opportunities, all year round, with Zeus in your zodiac sign and it is up to you to handle them in the best possible way.

Favorable periods: At the beginning of the year, with the support of Mars and Uranus, a risk you will take can be good for you! If you are looking for a job, April is a good month, as it gives you the opportunity to put your big media.

Tip: In August, you can fight to have your views heard. But instead of fighting others, try to understand your differences so that a compromise can be reached.

CAPRICORN: The strong will will reward you!

2019 brings new pressures and responsibilities with it, but you have all the necessary skills to manage any situation and eventually emerge victorious. Especially you who have been born on the 2nd and 3rd day, try to end once and for all with the bad texts, making even difficult decisions. Put everyone in their place, show what you deserve and the year will end successfully.

Favorable periods: Spring is a good time to start a long-term project and in May all your hard work will finally pay off. If you are looking for a job in June, your creativity and willingness will attract an employer.

Tip: You may feel stressed because you have a million things to do, but do not try to deal with them alone! Teamwork is the key to success.

AQUARIUS: Rise to the horizon!

Keep a reservation and do not give in to your impulses in 2019. Your tendency to do everything right away will not help you, it will probably endanger your position or you will remain stagnant due to your mistakes or hasty actions. You will need to properly manage your intense energy as well as your desire to act. Be prepared and with quick reflexes for upcoming changes.

Favorable periods: From September onwards, the stars will strengthen your trading skills, so you will achieve something good. At the end of the year you will have many ideas, some of which will be realized and this will be done by 2020. If you are looking for a job, in December, your creativity and imagination will be strengthened, so make the most of this time and shared CVs. Who knows; Before the end of the year you may have a new job!

Tip:: In the middle of summer, it will be difficult to focus on your work. But try to stay focused and put in a basic plan to close pending before your vacation.

PISCES: Hard work pays off!

In 2019 you will be bold and nothing will stop you. You will have inspiration, motivation and you will do everything you can to show your boss that you deserve it. However, do not overestimate your abilities, do not expose yourself for no reason and do not believe that you are irreplaceable. Be honest with yourself and others, avoid exaggerations and recognize your limits.

Favorable periods: December is a good time to close an important deal or sign a contract. If you are looking for a job, August is a good time to make a fresh start. While others are on vacation, you will work hard but it will be worth it. You may even be offered a job from abroad!

Tip: At the end of October, be careful not to get involved in tensions between colleagues at work. Also, stay focused on your work and do not interfere with others.

In general, 2019 holds several positive surprises and events.