There are 3 signs that can separate you and give no explanation


In an article of we read which zodiac signs often disappear without explanation


Libra loves companionship, goes crazy to be in a relationship where there is love and romance. But when the quarrels begin, he becomes "Louis". He can not stand the fights at all and prefers to be alone and have his head calm. 


This optimistic sign goes where the wind blows. He may have specific values ​​and stable friends, however, in his love affairs he has no problem leaving without much. He is the guy who will tell you to break up and then not answer messages and phone calls, so you will not know what really made you take different paths.


Aquarius will throw you with his attack and his independent character. This independence, however, is not the best feature of a relationship, since Aquarius will want to do a lot of things and you may not be in them. He does not have time for loves and flowers, so when he separates you θα he will not have time to give answers.