16 clever tricks that will make your daily life easier and you will wonder what the hell you did all your life

Useful tricks: Too many people wonder how they can make their daily lives easier.

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Clever tricks: Many people wonder how they can make their daily lives easier. The truth is that there are ways and they are even presented in the list below. In more detail:

- Turn this valve that connects the toilet to the wall to stop the flow of water.

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- Learn to whistle without fingers.

- Another clever trick: If your child likes to press all the buttons in the elevator, then you should know that in some elevators you can cancel the option by pressing the button twice.

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- Wrap your valuables in a diaper when you go to the beach.

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- If your hose is punctured, fill it with air and then wash it with soap and water. Bubbles will form where the hole is located.

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- Put a magnet in your shirt pocket to fasten the nails in case you have to hang something high and climb a ladder.

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- Put pool life jackets in your boots so that they do not fold. - For an egg in a perfect circular shape, fry it in a slice of onion.

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- For an egg in a perfect circular shape, fry it in a slice of onion.

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- Do you want cold wine without putting ice cubes? Put in frozen grape cloves.

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- One of the tricks that will make it easier for you is to add lemon to the apple you cleaned so that it does not turn black.

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- Instead of waiting for the butter to cool to cut it, just rub a little with the cheese grater.

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- To prevent your laptop from overheating, place it on a paper egg case.

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- Another trick that your hands will solve is: If you want to write something on your computer, just fasten the paper with a clip hanger.

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- Stick a clip on the edge of the tape so you do not lose it.

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- Another good thing about the rest of the tricks: Most people throw away the soap just before it runs out. Join it with your new one and you have a new bar ready.

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- To easily unscrew a screw, insert a wide rubber band between the screw and the screwdriver.

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