8 useful tips to save money every day in 2022 and put money aside

Most people think that saving money is a difficult task nowadays, so the costs are huge and the revenues are low.

7 1 exypnoi tropoi gia na apotamieyete kathe mera choris na to katalavete to 2020 MONEY SAVINGS, EXPENSES, SMART WAYS MONEY SAVINGS

Most people think that saving money is a difficult task nowadays, so the costs are huge and the revenues are low.

However, there are easy ways to save money on your daily life, as long as you really want it. All you need is consistency.

There are 8 unusual but completely realistic ways in which you can save money.

Although some of you are already familiar with tactics such as taper or hot coffee, there are more creative ways to keep euros in your pocket or account every day.

After all, when it comes to money, literally every minute counts.

Saving money: Cut down on unnecessary expenses

Cut the costs that "do not show". Which means: Coffee and lunch outside, in the office, finally. You can save from 30 to 90 euros (depending on consumption) per week. It is not bad for 120 - 360 euros per month.

In fact, economists recommend depositing this money in a separate savings account.

Save money: Create a 48-hour rule and delete card numbers on your laptop

The speed and simplicity of online shopping is probably the biggest trap for those of you who love shopping. To avoid impulsive purchases, wait 48 hours after finding what you want to buy. This will separate the cost of need from the cost of desire.

Likewise, keeping track of the card numbers you use online can be costly, but it can also be costly.

Removing this information can save you a lot of money. In addition, the more time you have to think about a purchase, the more likely you are to make the best financial decision.

Saving money: Take public transportation or go to work on foot

Try taking the bus to work. Sure it's more convenient to drive, but is it cost effective?

Use public transport, such as the metro and buses, or try to walk to work every day. It will also help your wallet and your health. Both petrol and parking costs are a heavy burden on your pocket.

Saving money: Change bank

It happens to everyone that you have an ATM near your home or office and it is from another bank. If you are one of those people who love cash, but are charged every time they go to withdraw, you should seriously consider going to the bank that serves you best without delaying it.

Save money: Keep track of all your expenses

If you know where your money is going every day, there is a good chance you will cut out unnecessary purchases. An example of an unnecessary purchase is ordering water or soda in relation to an alcoholic beverage when you go out.

If you are not what we call a "first glass" and you order a drink just to accompany your evening, you may need to reconsider. Instead of a drink, order a soft drink or just carbonated water. You will enjoy it more and you will have the money left.

Save money: Schedule your meals

Do you feel guilty about letting food run out or spoil before you can cook it?

Planning meals for the week can help you make wiser purchases at the supermarket. Buy the essentials and cook them in order of priority. First the most sensitive and at the end of the week the most durable.

Save money: Disconnect your gadgets

Disconnect your electronic devices such as TVs, laptops, coffee makers and chargers. They continue to consume energy even when they are off, as you can see in the electricity bill.

Saving money: Save 5 euros from each payment you make

Saving money every day can be an easy task. When paying in cash, save 5 euros for each payment you make. Put them in a jar or deposit them in your savings account. In six months do the addition. You will not believe how much money you have saved.

Follow the above tips and you will definitely see more money, either in your account or in your wallet!


via: Enimerotiko