8 smart solutions to clean carpets from stains and dirt in a natural way

7 1 exypnoi tropoi gia na afairesete lekedes se chalia 6 Cleanliness, CARPET CLEANING, stains, carpets

Carpet cleaning can be done easily and quickly, following clever ways revealed by experts.

Stains on carpets are a headache for most housewives. Especially if there are children in the house then it is something you can not avoid.

Carpet cleaning: How to neutralize difficult stains

Mix 1/4 white vinegar and 3/4 water and pass the stain. Then put a damp cloth on top of it and spray the steam with the greatest amount of steam.7 1 exypnoi tropoi gia na afairesete lekedes se chalia Cleaning, CARPET CLEANING, stains, carpetsIf your nose opens and blood stains on the carpet, do not worry. The best trick to get them out is your saliva! Just spit enough on the spots and see how it works magically.7 1 exypnoi tropoi gia na afairesete lekedes se chalia 1 Cleanliness, CARPET CLEANING, stains, carpetsVinegar is a very common stain remover. Add a little baking soda and you will be surprised how well the stains leave the carpet.

7 1 exypnoi tropoi gia na afairesete lekedes se chalia 2 Cleanliness, CARPET CLEANING, stains, carpets1/3 of hydrogen peroxide, 2/3 water and a few drops of lemon lemon essential oil and the stains from the carpet will be gone and the house will smell wonderful.7 1 exypnoi tropoi gia na afairesete lekedes se chalia 3 Cleanliness, CARPET CLEANING, stains, carpetsLipstick stains are hard to remove, but not when you have a WD-40! After applying it, be sure to rub a little dish soap on the stain to remove both the lipstick and the WD-40.7 1 exypnoi tropoi gia na afairesete lekedes se chalia 4 Cleanliness, CARPET CLEANING, stains, carpetsRed wine can really get out of the rug! Just use hydrogen peroxide and dish soap! (This mixture works very well on many different stains).

7 1 exypnoi tropoi gia na afairesete lekedes se chalia 5 Cleanliness, CARPET CLEANING, stains, carpetsMake carpet cleaning foam with soap, vinegar, ammonia and dishwashing liquid very easily.7 1 exypnoi tropoi gia na afairesete lekedes se chalia Cleaning, CARPET CLEANING, stains, carpetsPet stains are very common. To remove them, mix a little vinegar and hot water. It works perfectly. If you are worried about the smell you can put baking soda with a few drops of essential oil and it will mask the smell.7 1 exypnoi tropoi gia na afairesete lekedes se chalia 1 Cleanliness, CARPET CLEANING, stains, carpets
