Slimming after 40:10 ways to speed up your metabolism and lose extra pounds

Acceleration of metabolism after 40, when its speeds decrease, can be achieved with small changes in diet.

10 tropoi na epitachyneis to metavolismo soy meta ta 40 5 PERFECT SILHOUETTE, QUICK METABOLISM, NUTRITION, ACCELERATION OF METABOLISM, metabolism

Acceleration of metabolism after 40, when its speeds decrease, can be achieved with small changes in diet.

We all want a fast metabolism that will give us a flawless figure and perfect proportions, however, as we know, its speeds decrease as we get older. You understand the first big change as soon as you turn 30-40, where you start to lose 3-5% of your muscle mass every year, that is, your body will not be able to burn calories as effectively as when you were 15 or 20.

10 tropoi na epitachyneis to metavolismo soy meta ta 40 ΑΨΟΓΗ ΣΙΛΟΥΕΤΑ, ΓΡΗΓΟΡΟΣ ΜΕΤΑΒΟΛΙΣΜΟΣ, ΔΙΑΤΡΟΦΗ, ΕΠΥΤΑΧΥΝΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΜΕΤΑΒΟΛΙΣΜΟΥ, μεταβολισμοΣ

Accelerate metabolism: Eat every 3 hours and do not skip breakfast

"Snacks speed up your metabolism, as they keep your blood sugar levels stable. It also lowers levels of insulin, the hormone that is responsible for fat storage, and supports the release of glucagon, the hormone that is responsible for burning fat, ”says dietitian Cassie Bjork.

10 tropoi na epitachyneis to metavolismo soy meta ta 40 1 PERFECT SILHOUETTE, QUICK METABOLISM, NUTRITION, ACCELERATION OF METABOLISM, metabolism

"Metabolic function slows down during sleep, which is why it is so important to properly replenish your body with a nutritious breakfast so that they can be reactivated," says nutritionist Rachael DeVaux

Accelerate metabolism: Stop counting calories

"It's the worst you can do. When you deprive your body of the energy it needs, it actually starts to save it, thus slowing down the metabolism. "You are more likely to have wrinkles and frequent headaches then," says Cassie.

Acceleration of metabolism: Say water, water

"If your body is hydrated, you will have more energy, which means you will burn more calories when you sleep," says Dr. Lauren Beardsley.

10 tropoi na epitachyneis to metavolismo soy meta ta 40 2 PERFECT SILHOUETTE, QUICK METABOLISM, NUTRITION, ACCELERATION OF METABOLISM, metabolism

Accelerate metabolism: Make beans your best friend

"Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber, two nutrients that end up burning a lot of calories during digestion," says DeVaux.

Accelerate metabolism: Do not forget about monounsaturated fats

We are talking about 'good' fats, which are found in foods such as olive oil, tahini, nuts and avocados. "They speed up metabolism by burning fat," says DeVaux. "When you consume monounsaturated fats every time you eat, you slow down the assimilation of sugar into the bloodstream," explains Bjork. "This promotes stable blood sugar levels and boosts metabolism for hours after eating," he continues.

Accelerate metabolism: Eat catechism at bedtime

And yet it is no longer considered prohibitive. Researchers at the University of Florida found that men who ate an evening snack containing 30 grams of protein had a higher metabolic rate than those who ate nothing. Do you want another excuse to give up?

10 tropoi na epitachyneis to metavolismo soy meta ta 40 3 PERFECT SILHOUETTE, QUICK METABOLISM, NUTRITION, ACCELERATION OF METABOLISM, metabolism

Accelerate metabolism: Avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible

According to research published in the journal Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, drinks that contain artificial sweeteners can "confuse" the body's normal metabolic functions, thus increasing appetite. Drink a little water when you are thirsty and prefer to enjoy your coffee plain.

Accelerate metabolism: Try to eat about the same foods every day

Be careful not to eat foods high in carbohydrates on the one hand and completely on this nutrient on the other. A 2012 study by Hebrew University found that mice sporadically fed high-fat foods gained more weight than those fed the same foods each day.

10 tropoi na epitachyneis to metavolismo soy meta ta 40 4 PERFECT SILHOUETTE, QUICK METABOLISM, NUTRITION, ACCELERATION OF METABOLISM, metabolism

Accelerate metabolism: Eat more protein

Research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association has shown that low-protein diets cause greater loss of muscle mass in postmenopausal women, possibly slowing down their metabolism. Instead of meat, you can add broccoli, quinoa, tofu and, as mentioned above, beans to your diet.
