Removes mosquitoes, beautifies the balcony: With this plant you will drive away annoying "visitors"

One not so well known but definitely miraculous solution in order to get rid of mosquitoes in summer is basil.

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A not so well known but definitely miraculous solution in order to get rid of them mosquitoes summer is royal.

Along with the summer, mosquitoes, the annoying vampire insects, that want to suck the blood us.

Of course, they are very annoying and no one wants them near them. So if you want to keep mosquitoes away from your balcony then make sure you put one basil. By the way, discover the absolute secret so that your bathroom always smells perfect.

We plant the basil in semi-shady places sheltered from strong winds to have good growth and rich green foliage. Basil thrives on bright places, however it is sensitive to long hours of direct sun exposure while in winter, it needs protection from frost, snow, and northerly winds.

See how to care for basil


via: Enimerotiko