Bananas: 5 health problems we had no idea they cured - What to look out for when eating them

Banana: Are you wondering if it is good to eat bananas? Scientists have the explanation you are looking for.

i mpanana kanei kalo se 5 provlimata ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΕΣ, banana, Problems

Banana: Are you wondering if it is good to eat bananas? Scientists have the explanation, so you know everything about this particular fruit. In detail everything you need to know:

Banana: Here are five problems in which it is good

Swelling and constipation: Bananas contain pectin, which enhances digestion and stimulates the elimination of toxins and heavy metals from the body. In addition, they have probiotic properties and thus help digestion and reduce bloating. The fiber, the soft part of the fruit acts as a natural laxative and helps with constipation.

Stress: Stress is the disease of the modern age and leaves huge and permanent consequences on our health. Among other things, it increases metabolism and thus reduces the level of potassium in the body. You can restore balance with just one banana a day that will help the heart beat, send oxygen to the brain and help maintain a sufficient amount of water in the body.

pos 5 monaches kratoyn aichmaloto to ilektriko systima tis choras 1 ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΕΣ, βανάνα, Προβλήματα

Banana: The other problems, in which it does good

High pressure: It is probably known to most of us that excessive sodium intake, and potassium deficiency can have a negative effect on blood pressure. That is why it is very important for the body to be rich in potassium. Experts recommend eating a banana every morning and you will continue to have your blood pressure in balance.

Period: Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 which has a positive effect on blood glucose levels. Vitamin B has been shown to help with the premenstrual symptom, successfully reducing pain in the chest and abdomen, by mood swings and fluid retention in the body.

Depression: Bananas also contain an ingredient called tryptophan, which stimulates and releases serotonin, known as the "cheerful hormone". One banana a day is enough to increase serotonin levels and create a feeling of calm and happiness.

Banana: The opinion of scientists

Research has shown that very ripe bananas are more effective in shielding health, as they contain a substance called "Tumor Necrosis Factor" (TNF) which has the ability to act against abnormal cells.

In addition, the more black marks a banana has, the more it can boost the immune system. Japanese research has shown that the TNF factor found in ripe bananas has a strong anti-cancer effect and strengthens the immune system. Japanese researchers have concluded that regular consumption of bananas could even prevent diseases such as cancer.

Research has shown that TNF is also present in unripe bananas, but in much smaller doses, which is why it is less effective against abnormal cells. The protective effect of bananas, as well as the antioxidants it contains, increase as it matures.

When it's not good to eat bananas

Experts recommend removing bananas from your diet if you suffer from liver or kidney problems. In these cases, it is best to ask a doctor before eating bananas.
