Name Day: Who is celebrating today, Monday, May 11th

The week begins with the following celebrants

Name Day: Who is celebrating today, Monday, May 11th

Today, Monday, May 11, he is a martyr of Saint Armodios, Saints Cyril and Methodius, Saint Argyrios of Epanomi, Saint Olympia a holy martyr, Saint Dioscorus of the young. Therefore, today, celebrate Armodios, Armodis, Methodios *, Argyris, Argyrios, Argyri, Argyroula, Roula, Argyro, Asimina, Olympias, Olympia, Olympiada, Olympus, Olympus, Olia, Olympoula *, Dioskouridis, Dioscorides, Dios.

* this name celebrates another day.

Sunrise: 06:17

Sunset: 20:25

Duration of the day: 14 hours 8 minutes

Moon 19 days