Name Day: Who is celebrating today, Monday, February 24th

Like today was born Mr. Apple, Steve Jobs

Name Day: Who is celebrating today, Monday, February 24th

Today, Monday 24 February, is the First and Monday finding of the honorable head of the forerunner and baptized John, but there is no known feast

At the same time as today:

  • 381 The Byzantine emperor Theodosius I forbids idolatry. In this context, the performance of the Olympic Games, which had begun in 776 BC, ceases.


  • In 1981 Egelados hits the Alkyonides with 6,6 Richter, leaving behind 14 victims and the Athenians to spend several nights in the parks and squares of the city
  • In 1955 was born Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs, American businessman, co-founder with Steve Bosniak of Apple Computer.

Sunrise: 07: 03

Sunset: 18: 13

Duration of the day: 11 hours 9 minutes

Moon 0.7 days