This way you will understand if he wants you: 15 things a man does only when he likes a woman

Human relationships: Many women wonder about their husband if the love he gives them is real.

15 6 Love, HUMAN RELATIONS, Women

Human relationships: Many women wonder about their husband if the love he gives them is real. This has to do with every man and his status. That is, he can be engaged, he can be a simple relationship or even a spouse. To find out, just take a look at the following list. In more detail:

Human relationships: Here are fifteen things a man does when he truly loves a woman

Holds your bag: He is not used to holding anything in his hands (that's why he has so many pockets in his clothes) and he is certainly not happy to hold something so typically feminine on him. Even if it is two minutes.

She buys you sanitary pads and tampons: I do not need to explain, I think, why no man likes it. It's inconvenient because what will his camphor friends say if they see him? The work will go cloud. But if he has to, he will do it for you.

Defends you: There are men who defend every woman who accompanies or goes out, whether they want her crazy or not. But there are those who will open a dialogue or even a quarrel only for the woman they like crazy. Keep that in mind.

Going through your work: Most avoid doing this because they know they will be scanned by your colleagues. But if he wants you, he will not care. Suppose that if you work in a purely feminine environment, such as a hair salon, it is worth double points if it comes.

Does not see the movie / match / series he wants for you to see yours: If your loved one misses the match to see you Brusco or you have mountain luck or take him to a doctor quickly. The TV and the remote control is an indirect game of power which if it gives you voluntarily you should be very happy to have it next to you. He missed an episode to watch the match too, but eh?

15 5 1024x538 1 Love, HUMAN RELATIONS, Women

Human relationships: And other things a man does when he truly loves a woman

Takes care of you when you are sick: Does it bring you chamomile, soup and juice when you are sick? You are very lucky and you have to admit it to him. The classic reaction is to tell you how sorry he is and hopes you feel better soon but if he takes the trouble to bring you things and treat you, of course he feels some more things for you.

It stands by you in difficult times: This is something that applies to both friends and boys. In ease they are all good and everyone there. In difficult times the issue is who stays and helps you to overcome it in any way needed. From moral to financial support.

He sees romantic comedies with you: Not that it is impossible for him to really like them, but among us he is not their favorite. Adventures, thrills, detective stories, fantasy are more to their taste. But if he lets you choose a movie every time, even if he knows it will be a comedy, it is not accidental.

It becomes your personal boxing bag: He knows that many times you just need to break out. And he is willing to fight with you just to let you "win" and calm down.

He lets you choose his clothes: You like shopping, even if you are not for yourself. Do not think that he does not know. That's why he trusts you and lets you choose his clothes, while even when he chooses them himself, he wears that T-shirt that he knows you like very much about him.

The rest of the things a man does when he really loves a woman

Human Relations - Unblocked: He does not stop wasting money on you, whether you ask for it or not. He sneezes, takes gifts from you, takes you on trips, whatever it takes to see you smile. Still convinced?

He does the dirty work: He will take out the garbage, clean the garbage can, pick up the dead mouse you found in the basement. Not because he likes it but because he knows you do not like it.

It takes you everywhere by car: You understand how much a man wants you when he is willing to become your personal driver without a second thought.

He becomes vulnerable in front of you: You are the only person who will ask for help if ever needed. So make sure you give it to him generously if that time comes.

She agrees to take your girlfriend with you because she is upset: Tell the truth. You have definitely done it once in every relationship. Your girlfriend divorced / fired / fought / was cut in the exams / her cat died and you have asked your loved one to take her with you because she is upset and you do not want to leave her alone and he accepts. Every time. Even if he does not like her.
