Eliminate mold and moisture from the bathroom in 6 simple steps and make it shine like new

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Mold and moisture in the bathroom: The bathroom of the house often - densely collects mold and moisture. Many housewives find it difficult to find a solution to this problem. However, it needs a way and not an effort. In more detail, everything you need to know:

Mold and dampness in the bathroom: Here are six steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation

- Install a ventilator that expels humid air outside the room. If this is not possible, you can open a window. Be careful, though, because if the air direction is inwards then extra moisture will come inside the bathroom, intensifying the problem!

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- Mold and humidity in the bathroom: Make sure there is a radiator or heater in the bathroom to reduce moisture condensation levels. The best solution is the towel rack. - Wipe the surfaces immediately after the bath or shower to reduce the amount of moisture and to some extent prevent the growth of mold.
Spray the bath and shower often with vinegar. This kills mold spores and stops mold formation. Special sprays are also commercially available.

- Mold and moisture in the bathroom: Install a dehumidifier in the bathroom. The dehumidifier will concentrate the moisture from the air and store it in a tank, which you should empty regularly - Remove the carpets from the bathroom because they absorb water.

- A wet rug or carpet will keep high humidity levels in a bath or shower.
