Humidity in the house? Get rid of the problem in five ways

Humidity is a real problem in many homes

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Do you have humidity in the house? Humidity is a real problem in many homes, especially in houses located in wet areas. Fortunately, there are some simple tricks that can help you get rid of dampness and its effects.

As with outdoor spaces, indoor humidity above 60% or 70% is considered high and can lead to various problems. Here are just a few of them:

  • Mites.
  • Bad smell
  • Bacteria and fungi.
  • Mold on walls and corners.
  • Wear of the house and other objects.

In addition to the fact that humidity creates a bad impression and causes health problems, people with allergies or respiratory diseases suffer more.

Therefore it is very important to act quickly and get rid of moisture. Below we present some recommendations that will help you.

Tricks to get rid of moisture in the house

1. Ventilation

This is the most important recommendation of all. You should always ventilate your home, especially areas that are more likely to have humidity problems. Try to keep the windows open as much as you can. If this is not enough, you can use a fan to keep the house cool.

On the other hand, air conditioners can help keep some areas free of moisture when there is hardly any natural air. But do not overdo it. The air you breathe must have some humidity to prevent disease and nasal congestion.

2. Identify sources of moisture

If you find a spot full of moisture in your home, you need to identify what is causing it. If there are broken pipes or leaks in invisible places, this will be seen on the walls with stains that gradually grow.

Remember that if you do not repair these leaks immediately, the condition will get worse and may even cause flooding. Be careful not to let that happen!

3. Use a dehumidifier

This device is ideal for rainy or cold areas. Moisture tends to accumulate easily in homes in these areas because they are less likely to be constantly ventilated.

Therefore, if you want to get rid of moisture in the house, you can use a dehumidifier, which will absorb it and dry it easily. Do not worry about the electricity bill, because dehumidifiers consume the same energy as air conditioners. Dehumidifiers are available in various sizes and prices.

4. Get rid of moisture with salt

Did you know that such a thing is possible? All you need is a shallow container and a kilo of salt. Just pour the salt into the container and you will see it absorb a lot of moisture in two days.

Salt has a really high absorbency. Apart from the fact that you can use it to get rid of moisture in the house, you can also use it to remove stains from clothes. When you notice that the salt is too wet or tanned, it is time to change it.

5. Other tricks to prevent moisture

In addition to the above recommendations, Preventing dampness in your home is also really important. All you have to do is follow these simple tips:

  • When cooking, use the hood.
  • Never set the heating above 20 degrees Celsius, because it contributes to the appearance of moisture on the walls and other parts of the house.
  • Dry your clothes by hanging them out. If you leave them inside, the moisture spreads throughout the room.
  • Do not have too many plants in one place in the house. This can lead to moisture due to plant respiration.

Finally you should not forget to have natural light and natural air in your home. There should be windows and doors in places that allow sunlight to enter the house. You will also need to rearrange your furniture so that air can circulate easily through your home.

These tips can greatly help you get rid of moisture and prevent it from appearing. Most importantly, this will have a positive effect on your health and your bank account, thanks to all the money you will save by avoiding buying paint every now and then.

Source: Cheers