Kill Box Kills Cockroaches Instantly: Make It Yourself and Get Rid of Your Home Forever

Cockroaches are definitely the "unwanted guests" of the summer and for many tenants they are a "headache".

foniko koyti skotonei akariaia tis katsarides ftiaxte to monoi sas kai exafaniste tes gia panta apo to spiti cockroaches, NATURAL WAYS

The cockroaches they are definitely the "unwanted guests" of the summer and for many tenants they are a "headache", as they try to neutralize them with insect repellents.

Of course, there are also simple and complete ones natural ways to get rid of the specific insects at home, without resorting to the use of chemicals, which are also harmful to the health of both adults and children.


In particular, you can take an aluminum box and place some cucumber peels or pieces inside. Leave it all night. The cucumber juices will react with the aluminum in the can and produce an odor that cockroaches can't stand.


via: Enimerotiko