Clean the cigar from the basin and the marks from the bathtub and make the bathroom shine like new

Cigar in the bathroom: Problems with cigars in your bathroom? There is no reason to stress or suffer.

1675 stains, PURI, toilet

Cigar in the bathroom: Problems with cigars in your bathroom? There is no reason to stress. Also, there is no reason to bother. You can follow a specific procedure that will "untie" your hands. In more detail:

Cigar in the bathroom: Solutions for the cigar in the toilet

- Borax with baking soda: Borax is used in various cleaning products, because it has whitening properties. You can get it in powder form from pharmacies. If you choose this way to clean your toilet, follow these steps: first, apply white vinegar to the surface of the basin and wait 20 minutes. Then scrub the bowl with the special brush and add the borax powder. Allow 15 minutes to pass and pour very boiling water. Finally, remove the stubborn stains with a sponge. Keep in mind that it is very important to wear gloves and a mask.

- Baking soda, vinegar: Before you start, pour plenty of boiling water into the toilet bowl and then a cup full of baking soda. To be able to spread everywhere, use the special toilet brush. After cutting 4 pieces of kitchen paper, pour enough vinegar on them and place them on the 4 surfaces of the basin. Allow about 20 minutes to pass, remove the papers and scrub once more with the special brush. Finally, press the cistern to rinse.

- Vinegar and boiling water: Pour a cup of white vinegar inside the toilet bowl and scrub with the special brush, so that it spreads over its entire surface. Allow to stand for at least 10 minutes and then, after boiling water, rinse.

- Coca-Cola: This is a trick you may know, but it is a very effective way to get rid of toilet paper. Pour two large cups of coca-cola into the toilet bowl and wait for one night to pass. The next day, tap the cistern and rinse. In case the stains have not disappeared, pour a little vinegar on the surfaces and scrub with the special brush.

1657 stains, PURI, toilet

Cigar in the bathroom: Solution to get rid of bathtub stains

- Lemon and vinegar: Get an empty spray can and fill it with the natural juice of 1 lemon and 2 tablespoons white vinegar. Shake the container several times before using it. Then spray the bathroom surfaces and leave on for about 30 minutes. When the first quarter is over, spray again so that the surfaces do not dry out. Finally, rinse with lukewarm water.

Solution to get rid of stubborn stains in the sink

- White vinegar and baking soda: To clean your sink, mix in a bowl ½ glass of boiling water, 1 tablespoon white vinegar and a teaspoon of baking soda. After mixing very well, use a clean cloth and then scrub the entire surface of the sink with it. When finished, rinse with plenty of cold water. We understand that it is a boring and rather… disgusting process, but if you want to get rid of dirty stains and purée for a long time, it is worth taking a break.
