Toothache: 8 natural ways to deal with it that will relieve you immediately

Toothache is one of the biggest pains and can be due to abscesses, a damaged tooth, gums or anything else.

fisikes therapeies gia na anakoyfisteite apo ton ponodonto amesa teeth, TREATMENTS FOR TOOTH ACHE, toothache, TOOTH ACHE TREATMENT, PHYSICAL THERAPIES

Toothache is one of the biggest pains and can be due to abscesses, damaged teeth, gums or anything else.

When a person suffers from severe toothache, it is certain that it will spread to the ear, to the head and will feel a general malaise.

Until our visit to the dentist, which may not be done at that time, there are other ways we can control and reduce toothache.

So there are some natural remedies, but also some clever tricks in order to fight toothache inexpensively and directly, from the comfort of your own home.

Toothache: Clove oil

Clove oil is a natural anesthetic, which means it numbs the skin that comes in contact. This can be a great source of temporary pain relief for cavities and decayed teeth. To use it, simply apply directly to the sore area and you will almost instantly relieve the pain. While it is effective, it does not last long. Unfortunately, the pain will return a few minutes after application.

Toothache: Paste with salt and pepper

A YouTube video posted by Top 10 Home Remedies shows you how to make a salt and pepper paste to relieve pain in your mouth. Simply combine equal amounts of pepper and salt with a small amount of water to create a paste. Apply this paste directly on the infected area. This will help reduce pain and swelling.

Toothache: Rinses with hydrogen peroxide

Some people choose the antibacterial properties of hydrogen peroxide. To use it, simply create a mixture of equal parts water and peroxide. Rinse your mouth with it for a few seconds. You can repeat this method up to three times. While it is true that peroxide can clean an infected wound, an article published by the Arizona Family Dental warns of possible side effects. Hydrogen peroxide can cause stomach problems if you swallow it and if there is not enough water in the mixture, it can burn your mouth.

Although the amount of alcohol is small, it can cause severe reactions in children, including seizures and vomiting.

Toothache: Garlic

Garlic can work similarly to an antibiotic as it attacks the bacteria in your mouth. You can use garlic by rubbing it and creating a paste or just chewing a clove. Although it will not make you smell very nice, it will temporarily reduce a small toothache.

Toothache: Ice

You can use ice to temporarily reduce the pain associated with toothache. Place an ice cube on the side of your aching face or hold an ice cube directly on the problem area. If you are able, you can even drink ice water to relieve the pain.

Toothache: Chewing gum

Sometimes the seals break or crack in the most difficult moments. An article in Reader's Digest describes how you can use chewing gum for a short-term correction of a crack or loose seal. Place the softened gum on the area that needs protection and it will act as a temporary seal until you can restore it.

Toothache: Washing with salt

Do not underestimate the healing power of salt washes. Combine a few teaspoons of salt with a glass of water and swirl around your mouth for a few seconds. Salt will not only promote faster healing, but will also keep the area clean and reduce the chance of infection.

Toothache: A piece of cotton soaked in whiskey

Some people turn to alcohol when trying to numb an annoying tooth. While alcohol can certainly reduce pain, there are a few things to keep in mind about this method. Family Dental reminds us that although the amount of alcohol is small, it can cause serious reactions in children, including seizures and vomiting.
