Rolls - Royce puts space technology on the ships of the future


ESA and Rolls-Royce agree to work together to bring space technology to autonomous ships of the future

The European Space Agency (ESA) and Rolls-Royce have signed an agreement to work together to see how space and satellite technology can be used to help develop autonomous and remotely controlled ships.

Self-propelled or remote-controlled ships will have less room for human error and their smaller crews will be able to focus on other tasks.

The aim of the agreement is mainly the use of European satellites for the interconnection of "smart" ships and their navigation by their computers that will be on deck or in a remote control center on land.

The new ship-to-shore services will leverage ESA's ongoing "Satellite for 5G" (S45G) initiative, which aims to develop integrated satellite and terrestrial telecommunications and fifth-generation shipping, aviation networks. and other areas.


SOURCE ΑΠΕ / Andreas Arnold / dpa via AP


Source: News247