Infidelities are easier, more divorces… in the age of Facebook!

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Excessive use of social networks can cause serious - even irreparable - damage to couples' relationships, experts warn

With… five at a time? Anything can happen on Facebook. But when online infidelity is perceived by the partner, then comes the divorce…

British lawyers make it clear that Facebook and Linkedlin can do good in social life, but they can ruin love life. Excessive use of social networks can cause serious - to irreparable - damage to the relationships of some couples, according to research published by the British newspaper "Daily Mail".

There are lawyers who claim that the number of divorces has increased in recent years as many couples have entered into relationships - even with five people at the same time - via the Internet. The technology allows most spouses to flirt through Facebook and Linkedlin, according to the post.
Social media has revolutionized the way people communicate, but at the same time it can prove disastrous for a relationship or a marriage. Researchers have found that users have even five online relationships while neglecting their partners.

The result is that the couple quarrels and many are led to divorce.

"The more we use social networking sites, the greater the likelihood of friction, infidelity, separation and divorce," the lawyers point out.

The more we use Facebook, the more often we are tempted to secretly monitor his partner's online activities on the Internet, which increases the degree of jealousy. Jealousy, in turn, paves the way for friction in the couple.
In addition, according to lawyers, fanatical Facebook users are more likely to come into online contact with their ex-partners, which facilitates the revitalization of an older love affair and infidelity towards the partner. For Joan Edwards, a lawyer at the British law firm Forsters, there is indeed a relationship between technology and infidelity.

"Technology can rekindle the flame of old relationships as a spouse can cheat on his or her spouse while sitting next to him or her in the same room," Edwards added.

Watch video: The Facebook of… infidelity


Source: Protothema