Finos Film tweet for World Artist Day

Finos Film celebrated the World Artist Day and with its post on twitter reminds the value of artists in our lives.

finos artists, Finos Film

World Artist Day is also celebrated by Finos Film, which in a post on Twitter reminded of the value of artists, describing them as "common mortals who add beauty to our world."

"Today is celebrated by artists, these common mortals who add beauty to our world. Painters, photographers, sculptors, musicians, actors, dancers, writers, graphic designers and so many others, who have been inspiring and filling us with emotions for centuries. "Happy birthday!", Is the message of Finos Film.

In its post, Finos Film accompanies this caption with a video of scenes from Greek films that refer to the artists and have been engraved in the memories of the Greek public. From Dino Iliopoulos, Alekos Alexandrakis to Thanasis Vengos, the one-minute video is reminiscent of the invaluable value of artists.