A torrent of statements by Eleonora Meleti on camera - She didn't hold back and said it all


Eleonora Meleti was last night at the premiere of the theatrical performance "When the Lights Go Out ” and did not hesitate to talk about the two issues which concern the media in relation to her name and are none other than but for.

The pregnant presenter, who was accompanied by her partner, Theodore Marosouli, but also her parents along with her in-laws, was asked about her legal dispute with SKAI, which is expected to be tried on December 5.

The well-known presenter did not want to say much, with herself mentioning on this subject characteristics:

"These are things we will see later. Some moves had to be made. The whole case was done and will now take the path of justice. It is better to say it on December 5, which is also the day of the trial ".

See everything that Eleonora Meleti mentioned in the video that follows:

The beautiful presenter did not hesitate to talk for the first time about her pregnancy saying that the first three months were very difficult for both her and the child.

She stated that she pays a lot of attention to her diet, although in general many things have not changed in her daily life after pregnancy. 

She also said with great love for the protective and caring attitude of her partner towards her during this beautiful period they are going through:

"She is paying close attention to me. It is one of the characteristics that make it special. From beginning. From the day he met me. We are jealous in moderation ".

See everything he said in the video below:



Source: AlphaNews.live