George Angelopoulos: I had many responsibilities as a child due to the loss of my father


George Angelopoulos had a highly revealing conversation with Christiana Aristotelous, revealing a person who has nothing to do with the fearless player we met.

The winner of Survivor confessed, among other things, the difficulties he went through as a child, after the loss of his father, who left a month after being diagnosed with cancer, when he was 14 years old.

As he confessed, as a child he had much more responsibilities than children his age, as he felt he had to help and contribute as much as he could to the family.

"Because sometimes things do not turn out the way we want them to, I have been quite responsible for my age from a very young age, and with responsibilities and responsibilities that children usually do not have. With all that entails. the difficulties, having to contribute or help my family in general, but at the same time to raise myself, but if you ask me I would not change anything ”.

His first job was in his uncle's oven when he was 9 years old, followed by other jobs, manual, night, water sports and others.

See all this but also how difficult it was to manage them psychologically in the video below ¨:

