Katerina Keinourgiou changed her hair and she is doing very well!

22793748 183035548932287 8250431454614388736 n n13 KATERINA KAINOURGIOU, NEO LOOK, NEO WOOL

Although she experiments a lot with her image in general, Katerina Keinourgiou, as far as her hair is concerned, is a bit more "conservative", we would say…

Since the beginning of her TV career, the well-known presenter has not dared to make any major changes in her color or the length of her hair.

Undoubtedly we could describe her as a "sworn blonde". She has never made a radical change, however we see her make a small change in color thus trying a lighter shade of blonde.

Although the well-known presenter takes care of the last detail of her appearance alone, this time it was left in the hands of Manos Vynihakis, and she dared to lighten the color a bit, although she remains faithful to her favorite blonde. 


Immediately after the completion of the "project", Kainourgiou did not waste any time and posed for the camera, showing her new look through Instagram's insta stories.

After all, like her, she has written many times in her photos, once a blond, always a blond! 

So how do you like the change in her hair?





Source: AlphaNews.live