These are the three bad daily habits that add weight

"But I do not eat much, why do I gain weight?" Have you ever wondered the same thing? If so, there is probably an explanation in

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"But I do not eat much, why do I gain weight?" Have you ever wondered the same thing? If so, there is probably an explanation for this. You have some bad habits and even daily ones that add you pounds.

Who are they; See below:

Add sugar to the coffee

Sugar has no place in your coffee, as it alters the taste of coffee and burdens you with unnecessary calories. Start drinking your coffee plain and little by little you will get used to the change and you will prefer it that way. Especially if you drink a lot of coffee every day, think about how many calories you will save this way.

Skip breakfast

You woke up late, the kids had to go to school quickly, you had an important meeting at work and you had no appetite for food. Whatever the reason for skipping breakfast, you end up hurting yourself. It has been found that people who do not eat breakfast tend to consume more calories during the day. Of course, we do not mean to eat croissants for breakfast, but a bowl of oats with coconut milk is an excellent choice.

You do not drink enough water

It is known that water is essential for the proper functioning of the body. At the same time, it regulates appetite, bringing about the feeling of satiety and activates the metabolism. According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, increasing your daily water intake by 1,5 liters can lead to a loss of 2,3 kg, without significant dietary changes.
