Get rid of cracked heels with the help of a banana

Cracked heels are something that concerns us. And we are looking for ways to bring them back to their velvety texture. Some of

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Cracked heels are something that concerns us. And we are looking for ways to bring them back to their velvety texture.

Some of the causes are dry air, lack of moisture, improper foot care, unhealthy diet, aging, prolonged standing on hard floors and wearing the wrong type of shoes. Diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, calluses, diabetes and thyroid disease can also contribute to the problem.

There are several treatments for cracked heels, but the best is the one with banana, thanks to its moisturizing properties.

How to make the cream:

Melt a banana with a fork and place this paste on your heels after you have carefully cleaned them.

Leave it for about 15 minutes so that the skin can absorb the "healing" ingredients of the fruit.

Then rinse with plenty of warm water and immediately add cold water for 5 to 10 minutes.

If you do this daily for about a month you will see your heels become smooth and soft like a baby's!
