See how often you should bathe

There are those who bathe every day, others two to three times a week. Some once a week and others

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There are those who bathe every day, others two to three times a week. Others once a week and others when they lubricate their hair. Really, which of the above frequencies is ideal? How often should we bathe? So that we have clean hair but also do not cause damage to it?

First of all, you should know that frequent shampooing results in the loss of natural nutrients, which means that you should not overdo it.

So what is the ideal frequency?

Most experts recommend twice a week. Of course this has to do with the type of hair as some hair can be very oily and need it more often. But this is the general rule.

Fine hair, although softer at the root, tends to look less well-groomed the very next day after shampooing and generally does not last long. Fats also need to be washed more regularly. Ideally three times a week.

Also, thick hair is more durable without shampoo and tends not to pick up the odors that pick up the thinnest. However, even in this type, shampooing is necessary twice a week.
