Five reasons not to stay with a child

If you have a child you are most likely when you see parents with two or more children wondering "How


If you have a child, when you see parents with two or more children, you probably wonder "How do they do it?". It can be tedious and the responsibilities double, triple and so on. but the joy and happiness that children bring is unmatched by anything else in the world. So if you have a child and you are thinking about a second one, we hope that the following article will convince you!

You have experienced it again

You know what to expect. Most likely your memories are fresh.

It's really less stressful

Or at least that is what this study supports. In fact, parents with four or more children have the least stress of all of us. The explanation we give is probably because they do not have time to think and therefore stress!

In general, children will play together

They will definitely fight but most of the time they will play together and you will enjoy this special bond that develops between the brothers and you will be proud of them. Obviously these quiet, loving and peaceful moments between siblings will be more as they grow older.

They learn how to socialize with the rest of the world and share naturally

They basically have no other choice. They need to learn to share their time, wait their turn and share their games. Or they just shudder in the corner and cry until they realize it.

They know they will have one or more friends for a lifetime

Siblings are family. Even if they stay away from each other growing up, they know they will always have a person of their own who will be there for them. At least that's what I think about my sister.
