Products that you have in the bathroom and "expire"

Many are accustomed to buying stocks of products, especially when they are in good deals. Products, such as shampoos,

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Many are accustomed to buying product stocks, especially when they are in good deals. Products such as shampoos, toothpastes, hair removal creams or cosmetics.

However, like most things in life, skin care products and cosmetics do not last forever. After opening the package, the watch starts counting down. Exposure to air, light, and bacteria can wear them down and reduce their effectiveness.

For example, an anti-dandruff shampoo may not work. Other times, however, an expired product can cause irritation or other problems, such as using the expired one, which if left unchecked can end up sunburned. For this reason, checking your products once or twice a year can help you verify your stock and keep things clean and tidy in your bathroom.

So, according to, we need to pay attention to the following about care and hygiene products.


Shampoos, conditioners and hair styling products: Shelf life 1-2 years after opening, 3 years if left sealed.

Bath sponges: Shelf life 7 weeks. This time may seem very short, but the moist environment and all the holes of the sponge are the best nests for growing calling bacteria.

Toothpaste:  Check the expiration date on fluoride toothpastes. They usually last 2 years after their construction.

Oral solution:  Shelf life 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Soap:  Shelf life 3 years, according to the manufacturers. Applies to both bars and liquid soaps.

Hair removal cream: Shelf life up to 6 months from opening and up to two years when not open.
