Coronary: The most important mistake most people make after washing their hands

The coronavirus has not only entered our daily lives, but has changed it dramatically. However, this time many

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The joker has not only entered our daily lives, but has changed it dramatically. However, during this time many of us have learned things that until now we may have been unaware of, such as how to wash our hands properly.

Relevant campaigns show the right way to wash your hands and what to avoid in order to protect yourself from the mockery. In fact, many - if not most - make a common mistake, but especially these days it can be dangerous to health.

What is it? After washing their hands, they close the tap with their bare hands, while they also grab the door knob. A habit, which experts explain is dangerous (as if you never washed your hands), since both the tap and the knobs have many germs and bacteria, which are transferred to the hands.

That's why everyone should be careful and close the tap with a piece of paper, which they will throw away later. Like the door knob to catch it with another paper, which will also then fly.
