Ayia Napa: Two-day events for Autism

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Two-day events for Autism are organized on Friday and Saturday 07 and 08 February 2020 by the Famagusta Autism Support Association in collaboration with POED and the Municipality of Ayia Napa.

Specifically, on Friday, February 07, a lecture on "The diagnosis of autism with basic and clear details for parents" will be held at the Municipal Museum of Ayia Napa "Sea" from 7.00pm-8.30pm. Speaker, the Occupational Therapist, Secretary General of the Hellenic Scientific Network for Autism Mr. Stratos Alexandrou.

The same speaker will speak at the Conference for Teachers on "Autism and its functionality in the school context", which will be held on Saturday, February 08, 2020 in the event hall of the Municipal Palace of Ayia Napa from 9.00am-4.00m .μ.

For information and participation statements for the day on the website www.bit.ly/36EKikV and at 23-821100, 99-432148 and 99-229586.

Participation in both events is free.

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