The Municipality of Deryneia seeks to use the land within the dead zone

Utilization of the dead zone of Deryneia for agricultural, educational and sports purposes

DSC 6155 exclusive, Andros Karagiannis, Dead Zone
The Dead Zone of Deryneia

Utilization of the land located within the dead zone, seeks the Municipality of Deryneia.

As the Mayor of Deryneia, Andros Karagiannis, stated in KYPE, “our goal is the utilization of the land that is dormant within the dead zone for agricultural and educational purposes. At the same time, there are thoughts for the use of the land and for sports purposes, with the aim of bringing the young people of the two Communities closer ".

Our goal, continued the Mayor "is the further productive use of the land in the dead zone, which belongs to the Republic of Cyprus and is controlled by the United Nations. The land in the dead zone, especially the one adjacent to the occupied beach of Deryneia is very fertile and we will emphasize the primary sector ".

He added that "for several months now, television channels from various countries, such as the United States, Canada, Germany and Britain, have been showing interest in Deryneia's initiative to use the land within the dead zone. TV channel crews visiting Cyprus, seek a meeting with us during which there is a tour of the area of ​​Deryneia and the dead zone and we explain our goal for the development of this land ".

Answering a relevant question, Mr. Karagiannis stated that “the ambassadors of Germany, Austria and Slovakia have shown interest and support such initiatives. "Recently, at the initiative of the German ambassador, we had a meeting in his office in Nicosia, during which we discussed the promotion of the creation of bi-communal centers or initiatives that bring the two Communities closer."

Famagusta.News / KYPE