DERYNEIA: Workshop for young people: "I am building my career in a time of crisis"

The press release in detail and all the necessary information

deryneia Deryneia Municipality, Neolea

Press Release of the Municipality of Deryneia 17.9.2020

Workshop of the Municipality of Deryneia for the Youth

 The YOUTHShare Project and the Municipality of Deryneia are organizing a workshop entitled: "I am building my career in a time of crisis", on Monday 21.9.2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Adult Center of the Municipality of Deryneia.


The aim of the workshop is to exchange useful practices for finding work in times of crisis.


The workshop will be conducted in Greek and participation is free.


Register until 19.9.2020:


Due to health protection measures, the number of participants is limited. During the workshop all participants should wear a mask and keep safe distances.


For more information you can contact at +35722401530 or at


The YOUTHShare project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Sponsorships and the Norwegian Youth Labor Fund. The project is aimed at young people or people with an immigrant biography between 25-29 years old who are out of education, training or employment. Through its action, the project aims to strengthen the integration of youth in resilient sectors of the economy and the sharing economy.


142 0.119039807 170773937956386 3063790879866173202 o Municipality of Deryneia, Youth