Harita Mandoles broke out: "Shame and betrayal the opening of Deryneia" (VIDEO)

Harita Mandoles broke out. In a telephone interview on the front page, the woman "symbol" of the tragedy of 1974 and the struggles, spoke about the opening of the roadblock of Deryneia.

Ms. Mandoles described this move as a betrayal and disgrace, since they were killed there, as our children said. Tasos and Solomos. "Solomos' father's pain is ours too. Like Tassos' mother. We who have experienced disaster and betrayal cannot stand it. "

"It simply came to our notice then. Don't they understand the crime that took place? These things are unacceptable, "Harita Mandoles said in a stern tone, while insulting the form of solution that is being promoted," all that they have done is unacceptable, and they are continuing the Annan Plan.

What is this federation they want to do? Are we going back home? We will not allow this, "said Mandole.

Source: SigmaTV