FRENAROS: Appeal from TEVEA to the Bank of Cyprus to review a decision to close the branch

The Famagusta Tourist, Commercial and Industrial Company (TEVEA) appeals to the Bank of Cyprus to reconsider its decision to close the branch in the Community of Frenarous.

A written announcement of the Company refers to what came to light regarding "the decision of the Bank of Cyprus to close its branch in the Community of Frenarus, the only bank branch left in the Community" and notes that TEVEA "states that it supports businessmen in the Frenarus industrial area and all the inhabitants of the Community. At the same time, it calls on the Bank to reconsider its decision. "

The announcement also states that "it does not mean that there is no Bank branch in an industrial area that houses more than 50 companies. "It still does not mean that five thousand inhabitants are forced to visit neighboring municipalities and communities to perform simple daily banking transactions."