Apostolou Modestou Pantelis: "Mom, we want our dad, why did our dad die?" (VIDEO)

It has been 63 years since the first bombs fell, which marked the beginning of EOKA. It has been 63 years since Grandma Apostolou said her last congratulations to her hero, to the hero of all of us, Modesto Pantelis, the first witness of the liberation struggle.

Grandma Apostolou caused a stir across the country with her image circulating on the internet as she sat desperately opposite her husband's statue.

modestos Apostolou Modestos Pantelis, EOKA, Modestos Pantelis

She spoke to Barbara Zachariou and the show "With love Christiana" with the most moving words about the hero of life and our island, the man of Modesto Pantelis. Her words are moving:

He put me and my children in his arms and kissed us. He told his children, "Not to sleep, to wait for me, and I will come quickly, and tonight I will not tell you a fairy tale, but a great story."

The babies shouted, "Mom, we want our dad, why did our dad die?"

When I die, I want you to cover me with the Greek flag.

Apostolou dressed in black and never took them off. See the shocking interview, but also the heroic course of Modestos Pantelis:

Source: AlphaNewsLive