OSEA: Makes changes to the transport network

The aim is to serve the passenger public of the province

viber image 2020 09 09 19 27 18 exclusive, network, itineraries, passenger public, OSEA

The Famagusta District Transport Organization is making changes to the existing transport network of the province with the aim of improving the service of the passenger public and the more efficient operation of the public transport system.

Transport interventions are based on route reinforcements, modifications - mergers of lines in order to serve the residents of the province and mainly the employees who use transport.

Special emphasis will be given to the inland lines, in view of the winter season. According to the spokesperson of the steering committee, during the summer there was a reduction in the use of buses that reached 80%.

Those in charge are currently preparing for the student itineraries, while the bus fleet is also expected to be renewed if the contract with the existing company is renewed.
