PARALIMNI: Food collection campaign by the fans of the Paralimni Youth Union

F3 enosi enp simaia ENP, Union of Paralimni Youth, Union of Youth of Paralimni

The start of the food collection campaign was announced by the Fans' Association of the Paralimni Youth Union.

The announcement states that the food collection will take place from Tuesday, April 28 until May 4 at the Association's building.

This announcement:

The SY.FI of the Paralimni Youth Union could not remain inactive and inactive in the difficult times that our society is experiencing, in the time of its pandemic Covid-19. The consequences of the situation are painful, both in the health sector and in the economy. With a sense of responsibility we will stand by our fellow citizens and offer unwavering support as whenever circumstances require. So even now we will collect food in our Association from 28/4/2020 to 4/05/2020.

We ask all our members to contact the person in charge of SY.FI to arrange their movement during the delivery of the food they will deliver. We comply with the safety and the measures defined.

Collection Area:

For information Responsible:
Paschalis Tsoukkas 99011548
Antonia Kotziapasi 99813614
Petros Voukalis 99544689
