PARALIMNI: His classmates raised balloons for Iakovos (PICTURES)

"Our dear classmate and student we will never forget you" - The moving "goodbye" of the students and teachers of the XNUMXst Primary School of Paralimni

Snapshot 2021 02 08 11.12.25 exclusive, Iakovos Triaros

A moving farewell was addressed this morning during the reopening of the Primary Schools by the classmates and teachers of Iakovos Triaros who suddenly left last Christmas while he was at his home in Paralimni.

Students and teachers raised white balloons in the sky saying goodbye to their friend, classmate and student with the most moving words.

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Their post as it is:

“Everyone present? - Sir, Evagoras is missing.

- Present, says the teacher and in a trembling voice: - Get up Evagoras, tell us Greek history. The one next to them, the one behind them, the one in front, dumb and in tears, they wonder at the beginning, until their silence makes them fall with a sigh of relief and the whole class. - Pallikaridis, excellent, Vagora, always first, in the first first, announce a glorious homeland, until yesterday your mother hoped and unbuttoned, and of our school today Monday Presence. He said it and silence spread like a weeping youth, whose muzzles filled the desks of the classroom, outside that empty one, always full ”……

Snapshots from today's tribute to the memory of Iakovos Triaros by his classmates and teachers. OUR FAVORITE STUDENT WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU! 💔 ”

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