Mayor Sotiras: Answers with receipts for "Giorkatzii List" - "Served loans"

Georgios Takkas: "Two repaid and one serviced loan" - Reserves the right to sue for the derailment of his name

Snapshot 2021 02 04 11.10.08 exclusive, George Takkas

Mayor Sotiras Georgios Takkas gave an answer through a written statement on the issue of including his name and his company in the famous "Giorkatzi List".

According to a letter sent to the Speaker of Parliament, Minister of Finance and Governor of the Central Bank, he has been surprised by the public inclusion of his name and his company in the famous "Giori List" ”.

In fact, in his letter, Mayor Sotiras attaches certificates from the Bank of Cyprus which clearly state that two loans, one staff and one in the name of the company have been repaid long ago, while a third loan to the company is being serviced normally.

At the same time, it clarifies, through the announcement, that the inclusion of the company name of G. TAKKAS EDUCATIONAL COLLEGE LTD "It is a product of bad information, misleading and at least unfortunate as all loans without exception are serviced and the installments are paid normally. In fact, the list itself clearly states that these are serviced loans! ”

"Unfortunately, the written statement continues, I have noticed that the publication of the" Giorkatzi List "by the Parliament but also the inclusion, as it turns out, of several citizens who have nothing to do with non-performing loans, has caused the exact opposite results from what declare that they want the deputies, with the result that companies without any favorable treatment from banking institutions watch their names being dragged out in public. ”

"My course so far, emphasizes Mayor Sotiras, has proved that I fulfill all my financial obligations both to the banking institutions and to the state and I have never given rise to the name of myself or my company being dragged publicly. As proof of the above, I attach certificates from the Bank of Cyprus which clearly prove without further explanation the status of my loan as serviced and that it is serviced normally while the other two have already been repaid. "

The written statement concludes: "I reserve my legal rights for any damages from the illegal disclosure of the company and my name."

The letter and the certificates of the banks are as follows:

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