SOTIRA: Power outage due to bad weather

D54B8CF1 09C3 45A0 BBE9 4CE66C6E97E5 Power Outage, Nea Famagusta

Power outages continue to be reported in various parts of Cyprus, leaving homes and businesses in the dark.

Although most of the damage that occurred earlier has been repaired, the intense weather phenomena and especially the stormy winds brought by "Lydia", continue to cause new, small-scale power outages.

In the province of Famagusta, damage is observed in Sotira.

According to EAC spokeswoman Christina Papadopoulou, the holidays are mainly caused by falling trees on the cables and, with the exception of the one that occurred in the afternoon in Paphos, are of a limited scale.

The EAC crews are on foot to repair the damage as soon as possible.

71FD7622 DA16 4515 B313 315061A7EA92 Power Outage, Nea Famagusta