SOTIRA: The flag of the Cypriot volunteers of the Greek Revolution of 1821 was raised (IMAGES)

The message of Mayor Sotiras, Georgios Takkas

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The blue and white flag that was used as a banner of the Cypriot volunteers during the Greek revolution was raised today by the Municipality of Sotira during the provincial flag.

165021920 2858368644494004 1547576950871035095 o exclusive, George Takkas, Municipality of Sotiras

The Mayor Sotiras, Georgios Takkas, expressed his emotion for the event but also for today, when the Municipality of Sotiras honors by implementing the measures to avoid the transmission of the pandemic, the completion of 200 years since the Greek Revolution of 1821.

165024831 2858368734493995 2066625630044644915 o exclusive, George Takkas, Municipality of Sotiras

This is the message of Mayor Sotiras:

The flag that was used as the banner of the Cypriot volunteers who fought in Greece during the period of the Greek Revolution was raised with emotion today, during the raising of the flag together with the Greek and Cypriot flags. "POINTS OF THE GREEK PATRAS OF CYPRUS").
The Municipality of Sotiras honors in its own way and implementing the measures imposed by the management of the pandemic, the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution and the National Anniversary of March 25, 1821.
The band of the Sotiras Catechism Rallies and a delegation of the Sotiras Reserve Squadron participated in the raising of the flag.
Happy Birthday!
# 200Years # 1821Greece2021 # March 25th