The 6 bad habits that add weight to us every day!

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Are you trying hard to maintain your weight or lose weight, but you still do not achieve anything and you are ready to give up?

Maybe some habits are to blame that, no matter how much you do not believe it, act negatively and silently, undermining your purpose!

See what are the six bad habits that "load" you pounds without you realizing it!

"Amnesia" in food…

Do you eat while watching TV or do you do something else? Badly! This tactic results in your movements being done mechanically, with the result that you eat much more than you want, since the brain does not manage to send a "signal" that it is full, as it is busy.

Do you think you get enough sleep…

You should know that if you sleep less than eight hours a day, your body produces smaller amounts of cortisol, the hormone that controls appetite. This, of course, makes you think you are hungrier, which of course is not the case. Also, according to research, lack of sleep dramatically increases the retention of fat in your body.

Go to the supermarket after work…

The only thing you can do by going shopping on an empty stomach is to buy anything that will upset the balance of your diet. First on the list are chips, chocolates and ready meals.

You are in a hurry…

When we are in a hurry to eat, junk food always wins, with devastating caloric consequences. It would be good to always have something healthy with you.

Do you like alcohol…

Do not wonder why you do not miss, if you miss dinner, but go out with friends for drinks. Alcohol itself contains calories that most of us "forget" to add to the daily sum.

You do not eat breakfast…

As much as you rush in the morning, do not forget breakfast. Infinite research has shown that it is necessary to activate the metabolism, while banishing the feeling of hunger during the day.
