Is fasting beneficial?

a1 81 Little Secrets
a1 263 Little Secrets

Regardless of what one believes and how one perceives the divine, the practice of fasting is included in almost all religions and dogmas, as well as in our ancient religion of the Twelve. 

Besides, this practice was saved in Orthodoxy together with others from the Ancient ways of our ancestors and slowly until the sixth-seventh century AD it was converted to Greek Orthodoxy.

Surely a practice of thousands of years will have very serious reasons for existence but for now let us look at it from the modern to us point of view of modern medicine.

Do not forget that a course of 40 days of fasting awaits us. What happens nutritionally with fasting? Do nutritional detoxification contribute to our physical health as well as moral detoxification to our mental uplift?

In terms of energy, we do not seem to have differences with our normal diet. If we exclude strict fasting (vegetables only, not oil) there is only a small difference in the macro-elements of energy intake, ie during fasting the intake of energy derived from carbohydrates increases and that which comes from fats and proteins decreases.

Reducing fat, especially saturated fat (derived from dairy products and meats), really detoxifies us by helping to improve our health.

However, we should pay special attention to those who do not eat fish, thus reducing the intake in their diet of the now famous omega-3 fatty acids, and more specifically DHA and EPA.

These two fatty acids are considered essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and our mental development and their lack causes nervous disorders and depression. Of course, no one claims that such phenomena occur in those who fast, but we should not rule out the possibility. in those who either fast for a long time and / or had a low pre-fast intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

What is the main advantage of fasting? But the great nutritional advantage of fasting is the increased consumption of fiber.

Thus, while the average consumption of fiber in developed countries is 12-18 g / day with RDA (average daily dietary intake) 30 g. During the day it was observed that due to the increased consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes it reaches 30-42 grams per day.

Fiber is known to lower blood lipid and glucose levels, help fight constipation and protect against some cancers. carotenes (β-carotene, lycopene), bioflavonoids (quercetin) and vitamins that are now known for their antioxidant action and stimulation of our immune system.

What about the lack of various nutrients observed during fasting? Reduced protein intake does not affect the body's nitrogen balance, especially when done for a short time. Not eating meat is associated with reduced iron intake.

It is known that the iron present in the plant kingdom has low bioavailability, ie it is absorbed in small quantities, due to certain ingredients (eg phytic acid, tannins) that are present in these foods. But iron is also not vitamin B-12 and folic acid, two vitamins associated with red blood cell growth, are also taken in small amounts because they are mainly found in the animal kingdom.

Thus, for these three elements: iron, β12, folic acid, their low concentrations in the blood are observed in prolonged fasting. Symptoms do not necessarily occur if there is no pre-fasting reduced intake or we do not have increased iron loss during fasting (eg bleeding, menstruation).

In conclusion, especially for women who fast for a long time and to avoid easy fatigue, dizziness and weakness, legumes, cereals (usually fortified with iron) should be consumed, while seafood is a very good source. We also need to increase our intake of vitamin C which increases iron absorption.

In conclusion, how useful or dangerous is fasting? Undoubtedly, fasting when done for a short period of time really contributes to our physical detoxification. We need special attention and expert opinion when we fast for a long time, because we deprive our body of some unfulfilled nutrients that under certain conditions can be dangerous.
